Response to Anna Von Reitz as it pertains to her two crocks in one week article!!

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Response to Anna Von Reitz as it pertains to her two crocks in one week article!!


Published on 11-29-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice
Source LINK:
Not one American National within the Government of The United States of America has ever met Anna Von Reitz so therefore Anna Von Reitz is not an expert on anyone within the Government of The United States of America though she writes like she is the foremost expert on basically everything. The bottom line is Anna Von Reitz has no authority to speak for anyone within the Government of The United States of America. That is why this Government has elected officials to speak for them.
 Anna Von Reitz states: Various alternative news sites are filled to overflowing with news about a new “US currency” being released. The gullibility of some parties and especially some of those who are eagerly spreading information (along with disinformation and every rumor imaginable) never ceases to amaze me.
Response: We agree, there are a lot of people that are gullible. We also agree there are a lot of people that eagerly spread disinformation to attract readers or spread inaccurate information to try and establish and maintain credibility. As for the “news about a ‘US currency’ being released, we state that it is not a US currency. Nor did we claim it was US currency, you did. . .it clearly states on it The United States of America, not United States. It is no more a United States currency than is the Federal Reserve Note or the Canadian Dollar. The Continental Dollar has a (+) symbol while the Federal Reserve Note carries a ($) on it.
Anna state: Please understand and grasp the fact that the words “United States of America” are not protected property. They are not copyrighted and not patented. As a result there are now over 350 different entities calling themselves some version of “United States” or “United States of America”. They are a mish-mash of patriotic organizations and fraud schemes.
Response: There are indeed some spin-offs of United States of America, United States and so on. We did not create any of these entities. Not one.
As you know, the Articles of Confederation was the founding document of the country and was left abandoned when the corporate constitutional convention occurred. It was abandoned, that is, left unused. It did not cease to exist. All we did was publish a claim to it (abandoned property) and waited for objections. No objections were recorded after 90 days. We took our name, as we had to, directly from the Articles of Confederation (Article 1: The Stile of this Confederacy shall be “The United States of America” (
You know, and we agree, that the fraudsters played the “name game”. Point your wrath at them. They are the ones committing the deceit. We, in fact, are adhering to the name decided upon many generations ago by the founders of the confederacy of 1781.
Anna states: The one responsible for this latest bit of nonsense is calling itself “The United States of America” (as opposed to “the United States of America”) and is run out of Costa Rica by Frank O’Collins and Keith Livingway. If you look at the tag line on this announcement you will see that it is issued by “Reign of Heaven”— a cultish organization based on the historical and religious researchings of Frank O’Collins.
Response: If you are referring to the currency hype with your phrase “bit of nonsense” then again, we must correct you. Common law dictates that we publish and serve notice. It is true, we have published (announced) our currency, as required. But we did not say it was United States currency. Bloggers have stated that. Nowhere has the Government of The United States of America claimed the Continental to be United States currency. No where have we claimed it is your currency. No where have we said you or others had to use it. It is currency authorized by the Government of The United States of America. We are not responsible for erroneous perceptions or judgments of others. As to your point that “Keith Livingway” is part of the Government of The United States of America. Yes, he is. So?
There are many others that are part of the Government of The United States of America as well. Frank O’Collins has not been heard from since 2011 and is not a part of this Government nor a part of the reign of the heavens and never was a part of any of it. The Government of The United States of America is not run out of Costa Rica. The reign of the heavens is an actual country and a Temple was formed in its name to honor its prophet. That is not a cult.
It really is very simple: a group of people have come together and, under The Law of Nations, these people have formed a National Government that is based upon The Law of Nations by Emerich de Vattel, published in 1758, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The same book that sparked the Declaration of Independence of 1776.
“A Nation or a state is a body politic, or a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by their combined strength.”
“Nations being free and independent of each other, in the same manner as men are naturally free and independent, the second general law of their society is, that each nation should be left in the peaceable enjoyment of that liberty which she inherits from nature. The natural society of nations cannot subsist, unless the natural rights of each be duly respected.”
Basically, we didn’t like the lawlessness and corruption within United States of America and the United States. So we established something different. Why is this worthy of such venom? Why attack it with disinformation or try to single out individuals and slander them? What has this Government done to Anna Von Reitz? It’s established, it has a permanent population, it has a defined territory, it has a General Post Office, and established chain of title and a subject of the Law of Nations and no one is forced to be a subject of it, get over it!
If anyone wants to know the truth about this National Government, ask an elected office holder that was voted in by American Nationals to represent them and not someone that has nothing to do with this Government. Always go to the source.  
office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America,
Stuart Ronaldson


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