NESARA INTERNATIONAL Update. Details. Global Currency Reset

NESARA INTERNATIONAL Update. Details. Global Currency Reset

Published on Mar 22, 2017
The impact of the worldwide NESARA program is most important AFTER this 2012 Transition. Here, for the first time, we explain events FOLLOWING this transition.

NESARA, per se, is a billed passed by Bill Clinton in 2000, but it never went anywhere. The term NESARA is now used to represent the WORLDWIDE program that will be implemented by the Light Alliance. It IS debt forgiveness and re-distribution of money to everyone on Earth to (1) help us get ready for this transition and (2) more so to help us launch the proper society following this transition.

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****** Sources******
(1) Micheal Tellinger & James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 4.3. 2017
By: EroSeninka
Published on Mar 5, 2017
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - James interviews Michael Tellinger about what's happening with the UBUNTU movement. UBUNTU's ONE SMALL TOWN PLAN OF ACTION concept is beginning to spread around the globe. This concept uses the current system to create communities of abundance which then lead to understanding how contributionism will lead us into the 5th Dimensional concept of no money. Be sure to take a look at the websites for more information. Michael Tellinger will also be doing a workshop at ECETI in June 2017.
For more information have a look here:

"Moving from a money-driven society of greed and separation, to united communities driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community." - Michael Tellinger

(2) The Light Alliance Info
Book: The Transfiguration of Our World
by Gordon Asher Davidson

Key Words: QTZ1114, Ubuntu Movement, NESARA, Soft coup, Hard Coup, Mid East, , living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, the End Times, The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR

Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, The Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering,


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