Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

The island of Yonaguni, near Okinawa, Japan has long been a favorite diving spot for swimmers try to get a glance of the numerous hammerhead sharks that swim there. However, in 1995 underwater explorer Kihachirou Aratake found a very large, strange structure under the water.

 Lying about 60 feet deep, the structure appeared to be man-made. Large steps could be seen, blocks of rock cut at right angles and smoothed. The discovery would send shock waves through the archaeological world.

Japan's Underwater Pyramids or Ruins as they have become to be known are a mystery. In all, around eight sites have been discovered. There are certain features that are very hard to dismiss as natural occurrences. Such as a large, semi-circular structure that almost looks like a park bench.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Then there is a large head which appears to have hair and a head dress carved into it. There are also numerous round holes carved into the rock, including some that look as though they were made to support large wooden poles. Again, these are just hard to dismiss, including this head with eyes carved out of it. As stated, the structures are lying on the seabed, around 60 to 100 feet below the surface.

The last time that these areas were not covered by the ocean was between approximately 8 to 12 thousand years ago, during the last ice age when much of the sea was caught up in the ice caps. At the time Yonaguni formed a landbridge with Taiwan, leading many to speculate that the area is part of the lost continent of Mu, or Lemuria.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

UNDERWATER PYRAMIDS -Soon after its discovery, these Japanese underwater ruins became the subject of speculation. Could this be the remains of the ancient civilization of Mu, or the Japanese Atlantis? Mu is a legendary Pacific civilization, supposedly destroyed thousands of years ago in an earthquake.

Some researchers claim that refugees from Mu moved to other continents and created the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesoamerica.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

The Japanese underwater ruins were first discovered in the 1980s by local divers. The area is now known as Iseki Hanto or Ruins Point and is freely accessible for tourists. But the Yonaguni waters are not only a tourist attraction. Scientists are also doing serious research on the site.

 Some of them dismiss the idea that the underwater formations are even man-made, saying that such forms are created naturally in stone by the flowing  water. Others, like professor Masaaki Kimura, identify the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, temples, a stadium, a road and water channels.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

It is true that the layout of the underwater structures seems to resemble that of ancient cities, for example Roman ones, and the largest under water structure looks like a pyramid.

 Could all this be a coincidence, are we imagining things? If this is actually an ancient city, and possibly the city of Mu, it would be a major breakthrough in the study of ancient civilizations.

Ancient Underwater City In Japan Could Be The Lost Continent of Lemuria

Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Madame Blavatsky, who claimed in the 1880s to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan by the Mahatmas. Within Blavatsky's complex cosmology, Lemuria was occupied by a "Third Root Race," which was sexually hermaphroditical, mentally undeveloped and spiritually more pure than the current "Fifth Root Race."

After the subsequent creation of mammals, Mme Blavatsky revealed to her readers, some Lemurians turned to bestiality. The gods, aghast at the behavior of these "mindless" men, sank Lemuria into the ocean and created a "Fourth Root Race"—endowed with intellect—on Atlantis.



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