What Are Earth Angels? What to do and how to know if you are one…

What Are Earth Angels? What to do and how to know if you are one…

The simple truth is that at the core level, we are all spiritual beings of light. There are however certain souls with certain characteristics making up what the Archangels call ‘Earth Angels’.

So Wait… What are Earth Angels?

Earth Angels are spiritual beings born into physical form. They are born into the physical world at this point in time in which multiple timelines are merging in order to
  • serve humanity and the earth
  • assist all souls in the awakening and ascension process
  • help in anchoring the timeline of light, love, and peace to bring the earth and humanity into the golden age of co-creation
Earth Angels are evolved spiritual beings. They are 7th and 9th dimensional Angelics incarnated into physical form. In order to be born as physical human beings, they lowered their vibration.
But here's the thing. They came programmed with a wake-up call. They were born with a time to awaken. This could be a series of happenings, lessons, or events in order to awaken their divine truth. Although they are physical beings, they retain the connection to their higher Angelic counterparts.
Really, all souls originate from the same Divine Source, but there are many different paths and paradigms souls can take which shape their characteristics, missions, and even personalities.
Earth Angels are people whose soul origins are from beyond Earth, and who have spent a great deal of time in the higher spiritual dimensions of love and light…
Earth Angels are those who have an overarching prayer and wish to bring peace, light and love to the Earth, humanity and all beings.
While everyone on Earth now is a spiritual being, not everyone is an Earth Angel. Earth Angels are highly spiritually evolved as souls, they vibrate with an incredible light, and have been called to Earth on a mission to serve as lightworkers.

What Does Being An Earth Angel Really Mean?

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