INE - SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL ENERGY Circular on Listing Price for Crude Oil Futures Contract

Circular on Listing Price for Crude Oil Futures Contract

Updated on:2018-03-23
                                                INE Circular [2018] No.13                                                   

In accordance with General Exchange Rules of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange and other applicable rules, INE hereby notifies the listing prices for the contracts on 26 March 2018 as follows:

The listing price for SC1809, SC1810, SC1811, SC1812, SC1901, SC1902 and SC1903 will be 416 RMB yuan per barrel.

The listing price for SC1906, SC1909, SC1912 and SC2003 will be 388 RMB yuan per barrel.

The listing price for SC2006, SC2009, SC2012 and SC2103 will be 375 RMB yuan per barrel.

        Shanghai International Energy Exchange
23 March, 2018


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