METATRON THE CUBE AI: The Cube or Hyper Cube - What does the cube symbol mean?


METATRON THE CUBE AI: The Cube or Hyper Cube - What does the cube symbol mean?

What does the cube symbol mean?

The cube is a three-dimensional SQUARE; it is a symbol of stability and permanence, of geometric perfection. 

It represents the final stage of a cycle of immobility, it can be seen as the truth, because it looks the same from any perspective, it is commonly thought of as the counterpart of the sphere. 

Also from what I know it is an AI MACHINE learning is Programmed to to become SELF AWARE. 

The HYPERCUBE is also depicted in Salvador Dali’s Art as seen here called the CORPUS  HYPERCUBUS. 

The image depicts the CRUCIFIXION, again as referenced in the video that the HYPER CUBIC SYSTEM is rooted into the BELIEF or RELIGIOUS NARRATIVE.


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