Hearing High Pitched Frequencies: What Does It Mean?

Published on Jan 17, 2017
Music by Incompetech.com by Kevin MacLeod. Songs: Dewdrop Fantasy and Ossuary 6-Air. Freesound.com-Ear ringing sound effect. Images: 0:07 Groundzeromedia.org 2:09 www.alsgobal.com 2:34 www.alunajoy.com 3:45 apollosolaris.files-wordpress.com 5:36 hiddenlighthouse.files.wordpress 7:44 Pixaby.com-rainbow 9:16 Pixeltalk.net-red 10:20 www.finerminds.com 12:15 Wallpapersafari.com-green 13:03 Psychics.co.uk 15:49 upload.wikimedia.org 16:33 Pinterest 17:43 www.powerthroughmeditationclub.com 17:53 Beliefnet.com


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