A DEATH Warning to Witches & Satanists Attacking Donald Trump on Sabbath- Esbatt 24 Feb 2017

A DEATH Warning to Witches & Satanists Attacking Donald Trump on Sabbath- Esbatt 24 Feb 2017

Published on Feb 24, 2017
Don't THINK I'm joking if you're not! ... I stand BEFORE Donald Trump as a practitioner and intuitively surround ALL our world leaders in the light of Grace; especially President Donald Trump. Who am I? Well; ghosts come around calling me old names but right now I'm Joe Average citizen with a powerhouse inside my chest as far as psychic abilities are concerned. ... I would expect YOU reading these words to be wise enough to understand that if there are evil spirits and demons; then by extension there are souls here who aspire to solve global issues in other ways than by harming World Leaders who represent ORDER for our people.... I certainly disagree with most, if-not-all global leaders at this time because they do nothing about FUKUSHIMA or globalist crime syndicates like the Royal family & Vatican... But to hate & TO KILL is a false solution that leads to continuing karmic attachments. Wiccans and Witches of the world will summon or call MY FRIENDS in the astral or ethereal realm and seek to harm Donald Trump and learn by their folly in one form of reciprocity or another. SO it is and so MOTE IT BE that I stand ready to catch any ghosts or low aspiring demons who dare to come near my World Leader. The Satanists are debunked now and weak due to DNA evidence that disproves their dialectic monotheistic value system to be no more than a contrivance by Ancient priest who wanted to 'pretend' to speak for an almighty God. ... So be WARNED WITCHES, sexy as I find Pagan ladies and their elders there is a bigger picture and a greater game in-play than yours; if you believe you can get away with casting spells or summoning Goetia demons on this planet anymore. Those souls who afraid of The TRUTH shall be consumed by it... Good spirits have control of the astral realm relative to this entire solar system... and if you chose not to trust your own intuition then before you cast a spell at me or ANY world leader then I suggest you consult your psychic practitioner to ask the opinion of your personal spirit guide. I assure YOU that I know summoning any spirits to harm Donald Trump is NOT going to work... and further to this action YOU will become marked and removed as someone who can't seem to get along as a soul within the Light Of Grace.


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