Jinn and Demons Attacking Possessed People Part 2

Jinn and Demons Attacking Possessed People Part 2

Published on May 11, 2016
Check out the 1 part of most scary JINN attacks on Demonic Possessed Humans:
Terrifying Cases of Demonic Possession on live cam.
Real life cases of Dominic Possessions mostly women, girls and boys are being possessed and acting creepy on cam where shadows of what appears to be jinn or ghosts show on CCTV or tapes. Some of them behaving strangely while sleeping or on public transport. Others were broadcast all over the news. There are questions regarding these cases whether they are real possessed phenomena or mental health problems that cause for them to see demons and hallucination of them and doing extremely bizarre stuff to themselves from physical hurting and abusing to levitations. In some cases, some priests were summoned to perform Exorcism on the person being possessed other were just locked down in mental institutes. These are extremely creepy and scary demonic possessions that caught on tape with some ghosts, jinn, or demons were recorded on cameras as some shadows. Viewers discretion is advised so watch it with caution.

We see in a clip that starts at 4:00 part of rituals performed on what believed to be a possessed latin woman by an evil spirit done by shaman village where they recite some verses, blow smokes and spatter her with red mixture made of special substances, liquids, and herbs that presumed to help in her exorcism according to their culture. The woman stands up well after that.


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