SUBVERSION OF THE COMMON LAW It has been our experience that ALL BAR attorneys have been unwittingly brainwashed to resist the Common Law and replace it with statutes of men, most of which are repugnant to the Constitution and its cap stone Bill of Rights. These statutes create a statutory prison that stifles the spirit of man and legislates man’s behavior thereby the government assumes the character of God.


It has been our experience that ALL BAR attorneys have been unwittingly brainwashed to resist the Common Law and replace it with statutes of men, most of which are repugnant to the Constitution and its cap stone Bill of Rights. 

These statutes create a statutory prison that stifles the spirit of man and legislates man’s behavior thereby the government assumes the character of God. “The civil lawyer by his tradition and training tends to treat statutes as though they proceed from the gods because bred into civil law systems is the demand that he not look behind the language of the statute in coming to his decisions: the Code is supreme, which is to say that legislators is supreme. 

Adherence to the Code is, by custom, practically blind.”9 BAR attorneys have been indoctrinated to believe that the Common Law has been abrogated and that God’s Law a/k/a Common Law is no longer applicable. 

Thereby unwittingly bringing People under the will of tyrants. They have been trained that courts must punish through incarceration all who offend their ten thousand commandments that Justinian10 brought up from the pit of Babylon11. Justinian’s Code is a code of law focusing all on the will of the state. To this day Corpus Juris Civilis12 and the ideals it embodies permeate and control the modern civil law tradition.  


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