Comments on Chinese spy chips: 

Apples lying because they've been compromised by China and this is why they have moved their keys and everything to China 🇨🇳. 

Look at Tim Cook's pupils in his latest interview and he is high AF on something for him to be under those extremely bright studio lights in the middle of Grand central station and his pupils to be dilated to like a good 80%+ FFS......Tim Cook is a lying piece of shit and working with China now and this could very well be why. Writing this on my iPhone 8 Plus so don't just think I'm bashing Apple because of my username I love all tech and have devices running different OS's and made by different manufactures as they all have great things about them that I appreciate and trust Google is no damn better right now and could very well be in the same boat as they're planning on moving things to China as well. 

With them both compromised now is the time for BlackBerry to dust of BlackBerry 10 OS and bring out some devices selling them as the only uncompromised OS I'd for sure buy them because I don't feel confident on my Android or Apple devices right now.


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