My Letter to the Chinese Consulate to be given today April 09 2019 in person.

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
CURACAO, Netherlands Antilles


09 April 2019

Dear Sir,

On behave of the Citizens of the Islands and the WORLD, we want to Congratulate the Chinese Government for this awesome game changer of the Chinese Government for taking us of the Petro Dollar Fiat Paper Money, and Introducing a new Gold Backed "RMB" RESERVED CURRENCY.

Also , we would LOVE, that your Embassy Colleague could present
to the Citizens of Curacao and other Islands a Presentation in
English and Papiamento to be scheduled, explaining some of the
Rules, Regulations, and Guide Lines and the Benefits. 

Topics :

- China is now suggesting THEY will be the ones to trade oil and     
   not use the dollar for settlement. Instead, settlement will be in    
   Yuan Gold Backed.
 - China Trading Oil for Gold: China’s Gold-Backed Petro-Yuan    
    Market, Threatens the US Dollar?
 - China want to become the world’s reserve currency?
 - China is leading a world that is ready to follow in a direction     
    away from dollars.
 - China now has the ability to “price” gold wherever they want to.
 - China will make them the wealthiest nation on the planet.
 - China is leading a world that is ready to follow in a direction   
    away from dollars.
 - How will the U.S. settle trade, with CHINA, Now?
 - China recently announced they will trade oil for Yuan “backed” 
    by gold.
 - China introduction of the Yuan-denominated oil future has      
    been a major strategic step for China.
 - China Securities Regulatory Commission (“the CSRC”), the      
    Shanghai International Energy Exchange Co., Ltd., or INE,

-  China Guide lines for Trading Accounts of members and Clients       for the new Exchange.   FF members /OSBP's

- China Shanghai International Energy Exchange     
   News,Products,Data, Guidelines, Rules and Regulations      

-  Curacao Projects together with China in their ONE Belt one 
-  China buying OIL and GAS from Curacao Bullen Bay Oil and 
    Gas Wells will be payed in GOLD YUAN?.
-  China Curacao PDVSA Business Plans for the FUTURE?
-  China LNG and other Projects for Curacao agreements? 
    These are some of the topics but we know that there are many    
    other Citizens who have questions and concern how all the   
    situations which they have been experiencing because of the      
    Fake News and Negative Agendas and Information from the
    US and Netherlands Governments agencies.

And Especially CORRUPTION on the ISLANDS.

Also the hidden agendas of the Oil Wells which were being
Used for many Years at Bullen Bay selling Oil and Gas from
Curacao grounds and which their Citizens did not receive anything.

So I have requested on April 08, 2019 to start an investigation
to be started by the Parliaments, where all the FUNDS went, and to return them back to their Citizens who needs them.

We hope the Chinese Government can help us to expose all these
Hidden OIL and GAS agendas, and to return the Funds to the
Citizens of Curacao.

We also want to Apologize to the Chinese Government for what
Happened in the past, and to consider to continue with the
Agreements and projects with Curacao and the Other islands.

And also to have Peace back and an Open Border again with
our Brothers and Sisters of Venezuela, to continue our
Business relation with each other as brothers and sisters.

The Past is the past, and Life continues.

This Letter will also be given to the US Consulate, Venezuela Consulate, The Netherlands Consulate, Curacao Parliament, The Curacao Media, The Central bank of Curacao & St. Maarten, and other International Organizations.

Once again, thank you for your interest and for your attention. I look forward to your response.

I will be most happy to publish your answers to the Public.

Please pass on my regards to the Ambassador and your colleagues.

Your truly,

Ronald Wederfoort

Phone: 5999 5156118


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