In 2004, my husband and I had a unique experience with a Hermetic teacher that informed us we were both Guardians. He was clearly surprised, claiming that he had “never seen two together”. He didn’t tell us much about who The Guardians are or what their purpose is, but often expressed interest in putting a site up just for them. Years later, after an exhaustive amount of research and personal information from my own Guidance, I decided to set up an area for fellow Guardians to peruse and find a place to connect with others. Once you begin to read the various material I have compiled, you can see if you “fit” the Guardian profile.
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
There has virtually been nothing available regarding this subject for years, other than Anna Hayes, otherwise known as A’shayana Deane and in recent years Lisa Renee. I would strongly advise you pick up Anna’s books entitled “The Voyagers I and II” to get a broader sense of the Guardian’s role in this ascension process, because it is immense. But one thing I can definitely tell you is a bit more information has come forth just within the last year. Up until this time, there was little to nothing on the Guardians. The purpose for this is that Guardians have typically been covert and in the background with their “off world” responsibilities. Before I get into that, I would like to provide a list of the typical characteristics that you will find in A Guardian. You can see if this resonates with you.
- We have had challenging in-utero experiences
- We have had unusually difficult childhoods
- We suffer from frightening experiences with“boogiemen” as children
- We tend to be the “black sheep” of the family
- We have withstood severe emotional, mental, physical, or sexual abuse or a combination of all four
- We normally experience hostility from one of ourparents
- We rarely feel like we are a part of the family we areborn into
- We never felt like we fit in socially, especially aschildren
- We tend to be loners
- We rarely felt understood as a child
- We have been outcast by our peers, especially whenyoung
- We are typically described as precocious children
- We may completely walk away from our family oforigin and often times need to
- We knew from the time we can remember that wewere somehow here to defend and protect
- We are very independent
- We are incessant truth seekers
- We are all about justice
- We are strong advocates of all animals
- Many refer to us as old and ancient souls
- We are very loyal to those we love and can catchourselves telling our friends that we would die forthem
- We hold honor and integrity as crucial characteristicsto strive for
- We are often born into families affiliated with themilitary
- We are open to alternative information and will ponder it for hours
- We allow our belief systems to constantly change
- We are very protective of our loved ones
- We are motivated to defend the underdog
- People naturally trust us and share their deepestsecrets with us
- We naturally find ourselves as peace keepers
- We can be diplomatic but are typically direct in ourapproach
- We are bluntly honest no matter how controversial it is
- We offer encouragement and support to those that are downtrodden
- We switch from very gentle and nurturing to a moreintense, empowering “tough love” approach
- We are very aware of a variety of perspectives anddefend the light by making all sides of an issue known, no matter how unpleasant or controversial
- We silently watch the flow of things around us
- We tend to be untrusting
- We typically learn painful lessons early on by ignoring our intuition and lack of discernment
- We observe everything around us naturally
- We are defenders of the light and of truth
- We make it known those obstacles which could blockthe progress of spiritual seekers
- We have strong memories or sensations of past livesbeing warriors
- We can walk into a room and intuitively knowimmediately who can not be trusted
- We are constant chameleons and often refer toourselves as such
- We respect all paths and beliefs
- We can be intimidating
- Our auric fields are sometimes too intense for othersto handle
- We catalyze change within others and this causes usto lose friendships without understanding why
- Our messages can often go against the grain of whatothers believe to be true
- We are often blind-sided by hostile attacks andbetrayal from associates
- Many are jealous of our abilities and we don’tunderstand it
- We can easily confront an attacker and defend thosethat have been targeted, such as ourselves
- We speak ideas to the masses whenever we see anarea of concern that needs to be addressed
- We are often left open to attack by those of who don’tresonate with our tenacious presentation of truth
- We are bold and upfront
- We are willing to take the heat for the Greater Good of The All Is
- We are very connected to our animus
- We tend to be fearless and adventurous
- We astral travel to different planets to protect andobserve
- We are targeted by The Dark because we are sopowerful
Dear Alexandra,
It was a true honor and privilege speaking with you today. I am grateful for the information you shared with me. Elements of our discussion blew my mind. I spent time afterwards integrating the new knowledge on a vibrational level, so I could more fully comprehend what I learned. I’m still processing the personal aspects.
I have a renewed sense of gratitude for the Galactic beings who are protecting our planet. I didn’t realize how close we came to annihilation. Thank you for telling me.
I’ve thought about the topics we covered related to the Ambassadors. I believe I can contribute significantly to reaching many of the goals for my region. Creating a community that can meet in person, possibly a Meetup group down the road, possibly blogging after IRP, live reporting, drop-everything 911 protocol… I want to confirm that I volunteer.
I started working on my ceramics proposal. The ball is rolling.
I looked up the Voyager books which proved to be expensive like you said, however it looks like I found Books 1 and 2 in pdf format. I’m attaching the files to this email in case they could be helpful to GC. I already read a few pages about the hybrid races… the mind blowing information keeps coming. I will go back and start from the beginning, but I’m glad I found these files and have access.
I also want to thank you for the gift of making the IRP affordable. I am very grateful to be able to participate. It warmed my heart when GC gave me access through payments. I know very clearly that you deserve much more in exchange for IRP. I’m very clear that it is an absolute gift to us at $144. I already plan to continue through phases 2 and 3, in divine time.
Thank you, sincerely, for all your hard work. Thank you for your service to humanity and beyond. Thank you for giving me so much hope.
With love, gratitude, and joyfully in service,
The Guardian Alliance is the conglomerate of multidimensional Kryst Collective that spans 15 dimensions and beyond. You can peruse some books written by Anna Hayes at for more information.
Our multi-dimensional selves are special
We typically take wonderful evolutionary leaps in consciousness
We are continual system busters of reality
We are protectors and bodyguards of the earth, the universe, and the dimensions to keep everything intact and in place
We ensure that everything remains stable
We protect and guard this heaven and earth
We perform upgrades
We always deal with critical situations
We catalyze people to face themselves just by our mere presence
We wish to do our work with as little attention as possible
We are shape shifters
We are described as very tall Light Beings
The keeper of the key will live a normal life crossing the path of an individual here and there and will offer the necessary key to access.
To stay in balance
To stay on our path
To emit light wherever you go no matter the circumstance
To become the Emissaries of Light that we are intended to be
To transmute light and process darkness, not just hold the space (we do the heavy lifting)
To remain committed to transforming the planet from dark to light
To stay aware of our polarities
Peaceful, loving, forthright, intense, and typically intolerant of abuse, dishonor, secrecy, dishonesty, or disloyalty.
In our current ET drama, we are composed of Observers, Visitors, Guardians, Watchers, Place Holders, and Intruders.
(I want to give full credit to Anna Hayes for much of the information below. I will continue to add on as it comes froward but frankly there is very little out there about the Guardians other than through Anna and Lisa Renee.)
- Most but not all of the Sirians are GuardiansLightWarrior
- All of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Aethiens (Mantises), and Zionites are Guardians
- Note that the techniques/drills are referred to as Round Tables and that King Arthur and his Indigo team (knights of the Round Table) were continuing this same mission (the Christos Realignment Mission), attempting to disconnect Wormwood, from where Jesheua (Jesus) left off. The techniques apply a 12-code pulse which corrects the reversals and misalignment making the NDC-grid ineffective.
- They protect your species and planet from interference both multidimensionally and galactically.
- The IAFW was also commissioned to implement Genetic Bio Regenesis Programs to assist the Fallen Angelic Races in reclaiming their original genetic integrity, so they could fulfill the intended evolutionary objective of Ascension out of the Time Matrix.
- They promote egalitarian political arbitration, progressive spiritual-science education and genetic Bio-Regenesis evolutionary healing opportunities among all manifest races, to inspire peaceful co-creative evolution and healing among all races manifest through continuation of the Founders Races’ Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement treaties.
- The IAFW is a massive Universal Service Organization assembled by the Yanas and Breneau Founders Races 250 Billion years ago upon restatement of the Founders Emerald Covenant. The IAFW was created to protect our Time Matrix from Fallen Angelic race dominion, to restore the structural integrity of our Time Matrix that was damaged by Fallen Angelic warring and to offer Melchizedek Cloister Bio-Regenesis rehabilitation and ascension programs to the Fallen Angelic Legions in our Time Matrix. The Founding Races of the IAFW created the Azurite Eieyani Grail Line race strain and the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team 250 billion years ago and the Guardian Alliance 570-563 million years ago.
- The Palaidia Maji Grail Line races that have been progressively incarnating on contemporary Earth for the past 100 years and referred as the “Indigo Children Type 1 and 2” in preparation for the Sacred Mission of the long awaited 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC). Maji Grail Line Indigo Children are born with the 6th-Strand Template of their 24-48 Strand DNA Template activated at birth, whereas the Angelic Humans with 12-Strand DNA Template are born with three strands of 12 activated. The Indigos are are in truth representatives of a very OLD BREED of consciousness once prevalent on Earth.
- Earth humans that have 12-Strand DNA potential (Angelic Human Heritage), through which they can reclaim their rightful Ascension heritage (“Christos 12-Strand DNA Template Potential”), serve as conscious guardians of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates on Earth and be free to exit the Time Matrix into the Energy Matrix consciousness level.
- The ability to fully embody the Eternal Life Currents within a physically manifest form is conditional upon having a minimum 12-Strand DNA potential, a “Holy Grail Line” or ”Christiac” genetic code.
- When the frequencies of the Density-4 (dimensions 10,11 and 12) and above are embodied, a biological being can undergo full cellular transmutation, returning to the Density-4 Liquid Light Pre-matter state for full Ascension out of Density, rather than experiencing repeated cycles of death and rebirth within the Density system life cycles. A being with a sustained activation of 12 DNA Strands and resulting embodiment of the Maharata and its corresponding 12 dimensions of conscious awareness is known as an embodied “Mahara” (bearer of the Maharata eternal life current), “Avatar” or “Christed Being”.
- The primary earthly human lineage is an Angelic Human Christiac Grail Line the carries the dormant 12-Strand DNA Template potentials; certain portions of earth human Grail Line population carry the 24-48 Strand DNA Template of the Rishi and Yani (Yanas) “Eieyani Grail Lines.”The Eieyani Grail Line humans presently incarnate on earth are known as the Type 1 and 2 Indigo Children.
- Through the Founders Sacred-Science Teachings of the Inner Christ (Freedom Teachings), humanity could learn to re-activate the Angelic Human 12-Strand Template, so humans would again become capable of utilizing advanced Planetary Templar Mechanics, which are run through the human DNA Template. If humanity can reawaken the dormant Angelic Human DNA Template, the human body can biologically interface with the electromagnetic functions of Earth’s Planetary Templar star gate system, as it was originally designed to do.
- In actualizing the Angelic Human potential, humans would not only set themselves free, but could also assist Guardian Angelic Nations in setting Earth free, by securing Earth’s Halls of Amenti and regaining the Sun’s Sol Star Gate-4 under Guardian Nation protection.
- The Angelic, Human Race was created as a race of beings who could come into this system and assist other life forms and races who have forgotten their True Nature of the expression of Source. Therefore, other life forms are depending on the success of the Angelic, Human Race to become the Guardians we were created to be.
- Without the weight of the dark ones, we will all feel the lightness we have always known was possible. It will make our next steps on the path of ascension much faster and easier.
- It was Mother Earth’s act of Free Will to end this destruction of her Body, with the accompanying imminent danger of losing All and everyone on it, that was the origin of this Ascension Mission.
- It is accountability which makes it impossible for this form to exist in this place any longer. Anyone choosing to not be of the light can no longer sustain the vibration of 5D reality. We call this Terra Nova.
- By our studies we knew that synchronization with the energetic center of your galaxy, the Pleiades was not possible at that time in history. Your earth was spinning too fast keeping it with aligning from the galaxy. Now your scientists understand that the earth is beginning to slow down.
- Despite the failures of Akhenaton’s campaign, he had successfully reintegrated the Annu peoples into the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, so a similar arrangement was made in reference to the Templar and Templar-Axion Sealed race families. This time, not only would the races be restored to their place within Amenti, the entire Sphere of Amenti would be realigned with the original 12-strand DNA pattern.
- Throughout the evolution of the races, guardian races attempted to awaken humanity to the reality of its evolutionary destiny. All of the major Earth religions were seeded at one time or another by guardian groups, to help the races prepare for their eventual ascension out of HU-1. Though the teachings are often quite different or seemingly contradictory and all religions have suffered manipulation and distortion at the hands of man and covert intruder ET forces, they are united through their original purpose of achieving ascension and freedom from the illusions of matter.
Guardians and the Morphogenetic Field
- The GA space-time location spans many different planetary, space, time and dimensional fields. Membership within the GA reaches from the matter-based galaxies and universes of the lower dimensions, to the unfathomable cosmic reality fields of pure consciousness that exist beyond the Metagalactic Core, free from dimensional structure. * Though the GA has many members of a truly ET nature, unrelated to Earth, many of the GA contacts are quite terrestrial in origin, (i.e. Priests of Ur) they are time travelers from a future version of Earth (Tara – Gaia) that we may one day evolve to become. * The GA and other pro-human Visitor groups are here to help us understand and successfully maneuver the challenges our planet will face during the coming years and they hope to lead us gently to a realization of our multi-dimensional heritage. They are also here to teach us to protect ourselves today from Intruder Visitor races that do not have our best interest at heart
- The GA was formed as a TASK FORCE to increase security in our Time Matrix when the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphin-Angelic Human lineage and races of the Emerald Covenant.
- The process of Ascension is simply going “up”, going up the dimensional scale by raising the particle pulsation rhythm of your body. It’s a holy concept because that is what the concept of Spiritual Evolution really is about. As you do this you pull in more At-one-ment with your God/Source. So Ascension is a religious concept and a scientific concept all at once.
- The process of Dimensional Ascension and biological and planetary Evolution is the process of accretion or of drawing of successive multidimensional frequency bands into the morphogenetic field. As the planetary body or human body evolves through frequency accretion, the energetic capsules within the Auric Field progressively undergo transmutation of form.
- Once a Morphogenetic Field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the three dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy capsules that correspond to these three lower dimensions begin to dissolve.
- The particles contained within the dissolving auric capsules open into the auric capsules of the next three highest dimensions, in the next Harmonic Universe up. This is the energetic dynamics by which forms and consciousness progressively evolve from one Harmonic Universe to the next.
- An Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exists BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix.
- Though all beings in time (Time Matrix) originally began their journey of individualization through such an Ultra-terrestrial Collective, and thus each being has, as part of its higher identity anatomy, 3 levels of ascended mastery consciousness, a being within the Time Matrix is not considered to be the embodiment of an Ascended Master unless the being has experienced a full projection into the Time Matrix and a full 15-Dimensional ascension back out of the Time Matrix, before returning to manifestation within time.
Guardians, Time, and Stargates
- Stargates are natural occurrences in the structure of a body of a thing – be it a person, a planet, a bug, a star – they are a natural part of the energy dynamic structures that exist in manifest form.
- They are a part of a circulatory system (See: Merkaba) of where a planet circulates energy with its sun; the sun circulates energy with its solar system; the solar system with its galaxy; galaxy with its universe, etc. etc. So the Stargates are natural phenomena that occur because of the organic underlying structure of manifest form.We have personal inner Stargates within ourselves and so do planets and galaxies and that kind of thing. So when we’re dealing with what we call the “Planetary Templar”, we’re dealing with the Organic Stargate System of the planet. When we’re dealing with the solar system’s Templar, it is the Stargate system of the solar system.
- Stargates (with a Vertical Axis) permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Time Portals (with a Horizontal and Diagonal Axis) permit passage
between space-time locations in one universe and one Density level. - The portal Entrance/Exit is the cross in between the checkers or lines and the center of the cross creates an illusion of a lack dot.
- The Guardians intervene in conflict-laden areas of the Time Matrix, are protectors of the Emerald Covenant freedom agendas in our Time Matrix, and labor to restore and maintain the structural integrity of our Time Matrix.
Guardians and The Keys
- There are those that come to the physical plane that have the necessary keys that can open up these doorways in time and mind, allowing you to gain access to that wealth stored within. These individuals are unaware of their capabilities as the individuals who are the keepers. You may encounter them at any time or any place. You could have only the slightest conversation with them but that conversation is enough to open up that passageway of mind so you can gain access at any time or any place. All minds are connected to the “mind” and all are capable of gaining access. Individuals who are born with special missions from the creator and who are assigned…a secret purpose and they have no idea that they have presented you with the key to gain access to parts of your own consciousness that could never have been opened if not for them.
- This family line is called the Eieyani, who refer to themselves as the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Priests of Ur; another branch of the Eieyani family call themselves the MCEO “Priests of MU’a (“MU”). The word “priest” originally meant “guardian” or “steward and administrator of spiritual wisdom”. Both males and females in stewardship to spiritual wisdom and administering this wisdom to others are referred to as “Priests”.
There is something called “keylontic morphogenetic science”. It’s the science of consciousness, it’s the science of the templates of matter upon which everything manifests and it’s through understanding this science, which is a science of 15-dimensional physics, what we begin to understand our spirituality as well. - When we have a trail of ETs bothering people like we have right now, they go for a couple of different things. Our stellar sub-strand matrices in the DNA. The “stellar sub-strand matrices” are extraterrestrial codings that appear in certain human gene codes, which allow certain potentials. Such humans, for example, when they are endowed with this coding, can be taken through inter-dimensional portals without literally “exploding”, for instance. Because if you take certain codings, genetic codings, through a Stargate, it will go through spontaneous combustion, because it cannot expand at the morphogenetic level. Other gene codes are able to activate and expand to hold the frequencies of the Stargate. So, when an invading ET race tries to covertly take over a planet like is happening now, it will want to create hybrids that have the highest coding possible. Therefore, they (the invading ETs) have been trying to trace human family lines to find the ones that have the highest content of the silicate matrix within their gene codes, not just for hybridization, but because right now, because of the time period we’re in, with the stellar activation cycle, the people who have more of the silicate matrix in their gene codes will begin to have spontaneous DNA activations because of the new frequencies that are coming through the solar light spectra.
- If we can get out to as many people as possible a knowledge of morphogenetic science, the knowledge that you have a silicate matrix and you can do things consciously to activate it, which means you can begin to bring in higher levels of your own consciousness, which will set up protective bio-energetic energy fields (electromagnetism) in your field, that will block some of their electromagnetic pulse technologies.
- When I talk about the dimensions, I tend to talk in groups of three because that’s how they’re structured. We are in a time matrix that is a reality field created out of five sets of three dimensions or 15 dimensions. It’s not just 15 dimensions in the universe, the whole galaxy and the cosmos, but dimensions run in sets of 15 and one set would be a time matrix.
- The 5 harmonic universes have different angular rotational particle spins. They all take place in the same space but they are invisible to each other. Their matter passes through each other because of the angle on the particle rotation.
- We have a chance to wake up, because for the first time in 210,216 years, we are hitting a stellar activation cycle. Inter-dimensional Stargates are opening and that’s going to trigger our DNA. We have a chance to overcome the genetic blockages that were put in us, so we could not access what’s called “multi-vector consciousness”. Multi-vector consciousness will take us into higher dimensional fields of perception, it will open up simultaneous perception of various time-space locations.
- There is a lot at stake here, because we have something, we have a precious jewel that we don’t even know we have. It’s called “The Halls of Amenti.”They are Stargates that link on a vertical rather than on a horizontal plane, through various star systems, all the way to the highest pre-matter dimensional fields. They are a ticket out of space-time.
- We were created as a Guardian Species. We were created as planetary Guardians. We were created to stand as equals with the highest among the ET races. In fact, we were created as a vessel through which digressing ET races could merge their consciousness and take on a new form that would give them the codes that would allow them to go through full transmutation out of time and matter. We were created to be the genetic elite within most of the ancient stellar races.
- These electromagnetic pulses or “Phantom pulses” move into the human bio-energetic field. We need to realize that we are made of energy. We are electromagnetic phenomena ourselves and we extend far beyond just the matter part of that. In our bio-energetic field, we have a chakra system, we have an auric field, we have something called the morphogenetic field, which is the core level, it’s called the Kathara Level and we’ll get into the teachings of that, these are the levels of energy upon which everything else is built, these are the levels of our being that get affected by Ultra Low Frequency pulsing, by “Phantom pulsing” and there are beings that know how to use this pulsing to get exactly the results they want, and they have started this.
- I also teach them about their Hoova bodies, which are three-dimensional electromagnetic grids that we have sets of, and when you integrate them, they’re scalar fields, they progressively activate the DNA and open the awareness to higher and higher dimensional fields. Ascension is really not that hard. It takes time to wake up the gene codes that have been dormant for so long and to put them into activation, but it’s not that hard!
- There is a road map to integrating your higher level identity and it will change your electromagnetic fields and the constitution of your body form, and your consciousness.
- The 12 strands in the silicate matrix of the DNA correspond to the 12 dimensions of consciousness. Everything is beautifully eloquent. We have 12 dimensions; each one of the silicate matrix strands is keyed to one of those dimensional frequencies.
- So, as we start having 4th dimensional frequencies come into the planetary grid, it will start triggering activations of the dormant 4th-strand codes. That’s great! You’re going to develop astral projection and all those things very easily, if you don’t have distortions or blockages in the top of the first strand or in the fourth strand. If there are blockages there, they will be manifested in the DNA and also in the body systems that are built on the DNA. Those areas will not be able to absorb that frequency. So, if you look at the morphogenetic field, which is a very good way to look at it, as a crystalline structure, like a quartz crystal cluster with many little points, you can envision your morphogenetic field like that. Now, frequency comes into the morphogenetic field from the higher dimension morphogenetic fields and as long as it can move through those crystals, everything is fine. It actually expands the crystals. That’s how they grow
- But if there is something in the formation of those crystals, in the shape of their geometrical relationships where certain wave patterns can’t enter, those frequencies coming in become like a hammer on the crystal. If you hit a quartz crystal cluster hard enough with a hammer, it shatters. This happens to morphogenetic fields too, personal morphogenetic fields.
- If you are exposed to high frequency scalar waves from inter-dimensional fields, like people who do time travel, the “Montauk boys” and all that kind of stuff, they all have morphogenetic damage, because of genetic blocks that did not allow the morphogenetic field to expand enough to handle these frequencies.
- The Guardian Alliance is a very special group. One of the most noticeable things about them is that it’s an inter-dimensional, inter-time group that comes from the future. I believe it’s 5260 A.D., something like that.
- They come to help us here, because we are their past. They are coming to change the past. Certain members of the Guardian Alliance are human. They are the original humans, the Turanusiams. They are taller than we are; some of them are about twelve feet tall. They are very beautiful physically, compared to what our race is right now, with this mixed gene coding, and they have abilities that we would look at as God-like.
- The Guardian Alliance is a huge group! I believe there are over 10 million races represented in that organization alone, and that organization is part of a bigger organization called the Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds.
The Guardian Groups are more aware of what we are and who we are right now than we are aware ourselves. They can give us back the keys to our DNA, so we can start remembering, and that’s what they are doing. - If they were the ones to get control, which is not going to be, our whole race would be mutated into a form of being that had what’s called the silver cord (which is a frequency of energy that runs between the lower dimensional parts and the higher dimensional parts) severed permanently and there would be a genetic mutation. They would make it so that silver cord could never be reattached. That’s what they want to do to us. We’re not going to let it happen.
- I was trained by the Guardians to never, ever tell until I was older, not until it was time, so my freedom would not be taken away from me, my freedom of speech and my freedom of thought.
- Boy, you know, I made a lot of enemies in the New Age circuit, and that’s just too bad. I’m telling you both sides! We’re in a polarity universe here, and the answer is unity consciousness, Christ Consciousness, but you’re not going to get that if you pretend the other side of the polarity does not exist!
So I sincerely hope this helps you find the answers within your heart as to who you are and why you are here.
Love you from the depths of my soul-
Copyright © Alexandra Silby-Meadors All Rights Reserved.
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