The Angels: Pushes And Pulls Of The World

The Angels: Pushes And Pulls Of The World

148320770580392My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are in a divine dance with the entire universe. If you could see yourselves, you would feel as if you are waves upon the ocean. Your every movement affects everyone else. Likewise, everyone else can affect you.
If a weak wave moves, it barely affects the the stronger waves. They are rooted deeply in the currents of the ocean itself, moved by the grander source from which they are born. However, if a strong waves moves, it can easily affect the weaker ones.
Likewise a person or ideology with strong energy can easily affect those who are not as deeply rooted in their own hearts and minds.
This is why so many of you have been feeling anxious lately. The waves of insecurity and fear in the world are very strong at present. If you are not firmly rooted in a peaceful mind and loving heart, you can easily feel the waves of the mass consciousness.
If however, you remain rooted in your connection to Divine love, in charge of your own mind, and guided by your own heart, then the mass consciousness – even with all its chaos and fear – cannot and will not affect you. You will remain in a beautiful, peaceful, reality, guided in safety and abiding in joy!
You can take charge of your own minds. Which thoughts serve you? Which thoughts uplift you? Which thoughts speak to what you wish to create rather than what you wish to avoid? Nurture the thoughts that nurture you. Acknowledge the others and let them go.
Connect with the Divine by focusing as often as possible on love. Focus on people you love, ideas you love, dreams you love, even things you love. Love is a vibration that makes you magnetic to that which is good and true.
Lastly, listen to your own hearts, rather than the tugs and pulls of the world.If something feels right to you, it will guide you along your lesson plan on this earth in a much kinder fashion than if you try always to “figure out” what to do.
You are in charge of your own reality. The world will pull you this way and that. It will try to draw you into its fears and chaos. Nonetheless, you can master your mind, listen to your heart, and connect with Love… and in so doing you will choose a kind, loving, and peaceful reality.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
» Source – Channel: Ann Albers


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