Richard Dolan on Secret Space Program Whistleblowers [video]

Richard Dolan on Secret Space Program Whistleblowers [video]

I’m still following a thread… albeit in reverse, and I hope all will bear with me.
I believe, and others do as well, that we are at a time when the curtains are drawing back so we can see who is pulling strings, what the motives are, and where the deceptions lie.
Many people desire to know the truth; the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That’s why they read blogs like this one and follow the real news. We dig for the truth nearly every day.
There are a few, however, who only want to be right. Obviously, we can’t all be right when we have such differing views.
In most cases I know who I trust and who I don’t. The recent unfounded attacks on Cobra and the Resistance Movement are testimony to the acrid environment on the world wide web, and how desperate the cabal is at this point, as well as the fear in those who are completely lost and simply don’t know what or who to believe.
A number of people are not comfortable with all the “whistleblowers” who have come forth to share news of the secret space program, and their tactics to inject information into the collective consciousness. They have sat on their intel and research for some time, but are no longer willing to do so. It is increasingly important for the Truth on everything to come out as soon as possible.
To that end, I am now sharing the viewpoint of Richard Dolan, a researcher I have great respect for because he doesn’t jump to conclusions or get carried away on a wave of popular opinion or sensationalism. He demands facts and ample evidence before he decides what reality is and shares his opinion.
I try to emulate that, but I go heavily with my intuition, as well. Sometimes it lets me down, and I’m not one to deny I make mistakes. And I change my mind.
I feel almost anything is possible, I strive to maintain an open mind, and that attracts many readers who are similar.
As we sift through the information and disinformation on the Internet, I know the majority of people will be open to changing their mind as new evidence presents. That’s just the way we are.
Others, for some reason, are not open to new information, and that’s their choice. We can share information and opinions in respectful ways.
There is more to come in this thread, but without further preamble here is Richard Dolan’s viewpoint, in text and video (4 hr), from an outstanding lecture he did in Australia. I was a little surprised to see/hear this opinion as Richard doesn’t lean toward comments like this in my experience, which lends it that much more clout.  ~ BP

An excerpt from by Bill Ryan (former partner at Project Camelot with Kerry Cassidy) (thanks P)
Bill Ryan
Here’s an interesting section from Richard Dolan‘s outstanding recent Australian presentation — which I cannot recommend too highly. At 2:19:48, Richard gives his opinion about secret space program whistleblowers.
I guess I’ll take this minute to comment on some of the claims that many people who have been self-described whistleblowers have had to say about a secret space program.
And I’m not here to say that every one of them is fictitious, but when I like to talk about a secret space program I try to limit my comments to what I think is defensible.
So there have been legitimate whistleblowers in the past, in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and there are others even more recently who I think have had legitimate things to say. All of those individuals are people whose backgrounds I can confirm. People like Karl Wolfe, people like Donna Hare, who were at NASA and Wright Pat[terson] back in the 60s and 70s. I know who they are.
There are people more recently who claim they’ve gone to Mars, who have had encounters with different types of creatures on Mars, none of which is even remotely confirmable in my opinion. And the fact that they corroborate each other means nothing to me. Not a thing.
I mean, if you wanted to lay waste to this field, it’d take you 6 months to get up to speed on the lore that’s out there, and then you could come up with a very detailed story and go to the first person willing to video you, and you, too, could be a whistleblower.
And you could then devise impossibly unprovable types of evidence that make it very convenient, that, you know, simply can’t be proven. And without giving away any true science. So, no, I don’t think that this is helpful.
And the only other thing I would add is that if I were running a secret space program, and I did not want the rest of the world to know about it, I would very likely create my own form of disinformation about this, and I would look for people who would be willing to say truly outrageous things, (a) to cause the mainstream skeptical world to just dismiss the whole thing, and (b) to cause the whole enormous group of researchers who take this seriously to go into dead ends.
And I believe this is exactly what HAS happened.
Published on Jan 30, 2017
This is Richard Dolan’s (USA) first presentation in Australia on UFOs at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW on the 5 November 2016.
Richard is a UFO researcher, historian and author. He has been featured on Ancient Aliens, Hangar One, and as a guest, on Coast to Coast (USA).
UFOs are a global reality affecting nations and people everywhere. Richard presents a geopolitical analysis of the UFO phenomenon including the international dimensions of the cover-up. Particularly the role of the United States and its relationships to key allies (such as the EU), as well as to Russia and China.
He discusses the true structure of power behind the scenes (as best as we can currently understand it), and will attempt to look into how the UFO cover-up may develop, or end.
Topics covered are, government cover-up, false-flag events, breakaway civilisations, life after UFO disclosure and extra-terrestrial abductions.
Richard Dolan’s website:


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