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Lucy Pringle – Is there evidence for memory of water?


This heading was the title of a recent article in New Scientist (14 June 2003) written by Lionel Milgrom in which he suggests that a possible explanation for the theory put forward several years ago by the eminent allergy researcher Dr Jacques Benveniste that water had a memory of water, (and which cost him his government funding at the time,) lies with the pattern and behaviour of hydrogen bonds.
This is of particular interest to me as since 1991 I have been burying 25ml glass and plastic (pvc) bottles of Volvic water both inside and control samples outside crop formations. Volvic water was used at the recommendation of Dr Cyril Smith who when testing the water for resonances required water that constantly did not go beyond 4Hz. Volvic water contains 6mg of nitrates per litre.
Over the years these bottles of water taken from different formations have been analysed by scientists all over the world and in every case marked changes have been found between the water from the bottles buried inside the formations s compared to the control samples buried samples outside.
In Dr Cyril Smith’s tests the results showed a different pattern of resonances between the water buried inside against the controls. Seed A was also a control and shows a different pattern to Seed B.
> Stimulation frequency : < Depression frequency

Control Sample (tap water) : > 1.1 MHz
Water sample 1:
>9.5, <17, >160, <9k, >80k, <960k, >3.6M, <13.2M, >59M
Water sample 2:
>5.5, <14, >140, <900, >6k, <95k, >350k, <1.36M, >5.4M, <15M, <58M
Seed 1:
>80, <14k, >130k, <640k, >5.8M
Seed 2:
>7, <18, >50, <130, >650, <3k, >16.5k, <120k, >230k, <440k >1.26M, <112.4M, >57M
Although there is no one to one correlation between the sets of results, what is of significance is the pattern generated and the fact that the end frequencies for both water samples and seed sample 2 are close to 59MHz, indicating a resonance in the seed that has been retained by the water sample.
Dr Jacques Benveniste was the next to blind test different samples with the following results and comments.
I remember writing at the time that nothing had happened to change my belief that certain formations may have homeopathic qualities and to that end, my research continues; burying 20 ml bottles of water, (all taken from the same source) inside formations and control samples outside the formations, to see if when analysed, there is any change in the structure of the water. Many of you will be familiar with the results from experiments conducted by Dr Cyril Smith and Dr Levengood, both of whom found significant changes respectively in resonances and bacteria levels. But as happens oft-times with science the wheels move slowly and one has to return to the drawing board to re-think and restructure techniques and procedures. At times I almost get the impression that the `force` does not wish to be pinned down by scientific analysis and is trying to avoid all our concerted efforts.
Last September I devised an experiment in which Dr Jacques Benveniste was to analyse bottles and would send them to Dr Cyril Smith. If they both revealed substantial changes between the samples buried inside and the samples buried outside a formation, it would have been a major step forward. However the best laid plans of mice and men do not always materialise; the bottles arrived with Jacques, he was busy over the winter and in the spring moved laboratories; “The bottles are not lost, I wrapped them up myself, but I cannot find them”.
However he most generously agreed to test samples from 1996 and then send them to Dr Cyril Smith for analysis. The results from Jacques Benveniste have just arrived and are as follows.
Four samples of water from the crop fields were tested. The water was contained in 20 ml bottles, two of which came from inside formations and two were control samples. The formations tested were the Mayan Symbol at East Oakley and the Triple Spiral below Windmill Hill.
These tests were carried out blind, using the well known classical Langendorff method using Krebs-Henseleit buffer. Jim Lyons has kindly helped analyse these results and suggests “that this method is to test the effects of potentised water on living tissue, the target in this case being the hearts of suitably immunised guinea pigs. This is a method of identifying directly the effects of the presence of subtle energies on living tissue. Heart rate is usually an indicator of the level of energy present. This technique appears to measure percentage variation between a control sample of water flow and a potentised one”.
In these tests there is a 10% variation. Most controls are below 6%, so between 6 & 10%, Dr Benveniste suggests “that something may be happening and we repeat the measures.”
Bottle No 018 was the control sample buried in the same field but furthest from the Mayan Symbol formation.
Bottle 022 was buried in a shaft jutting off from the Mayan Symbol.
Bottle No 030 was the control sample buried in the same field but furthest from the Triple Spiral.
Bottle No 034 was buried in the centre of the centre circle of the Triple Spiral.
The results were as follows:
Bottle 018 022 030 034
4.1 2.7 17.1 11.3
So taking 6% as the threshold percentage, you will now see that whereas both samples from inside and outside the Mayan Symbol were below 6%, both samples from inside and outside the Triple Spiral were above 6%. The sample inside the centre circle showing increases of 51.3% and 136% over the control sample.
According to Jacques “sample 034 is clearly positive and sample 030 very positive.”
Jim Lyons comments that “Although these represent a very small experimental sample, the fact that there is very good compatibility between results based on well proven experimental protocols is very comforting. This has been shown for the soil tests which were also an attempt to find a measurable effect in subtle energy affected by living matter and aura dowsing tests which are based entirely on potentised matter due to subtle energies. In all cases the matter, be it water, seed head or soil act as storers of this energy. Together with Cyril Smith’s stored frequency results (7) shows that we have a technique which can be further developed to provide full energy spectrum results for the crop or soil.”
A further test illustrating and confirming Dr Jacques Benveniste’s theory was as follows;
The Magic of Water
Over the years many eminent scientists such as Drs Cyril Smith, `Lefty` Levengood and Jacques Benveniste have kindly examined and tested my 25ml bottles of buried water with encouraging results. Resonances, levels of bacteria and change of heart rate have all revealed dramatic anomalies. However there comes a time when these services can no longer be given or expected free.
Therefore the quest was on for a suitable means of inexpensive and accurate testing. Christopher Weeks, long time crop circle researcher and fellow member of UNEX (Unexplained Phenomenon Research Society) came up with a possible remedy.
The procedure involves using Merckoquant Nitrate strips. It is an easy method to obtain a quick quantitative determination of NITRATES.
The test strip contains two reaction zones at one end, which should not be touched. The zone at the very end indicates both NITRATE and NITRITE, while the other zone reacts only to NITRITE. It serves as a warning zone as any pink to red-violet colouration indicates the presence of NITRITE that interferes with the reaction.
The method of testing is to immerse the strips in the liquid for one second so that both the reaction zones are fully wetted.
Remove the strips; shake off the excess liquid and after one minute compare the reaction zones with the colour scale that is shown on the side of the container.
These strips can also be used to test soil, plant sap and on the plant itself.
The measurements are based on parts per million.
It is recommended that distilled water be used.
We conducted the first tests using this method with the following results.
Report on the tests carried out on 3rd April 2001 at 5 Town Lane, Petersfield, using Merck Eurolab nitrate testing strips.
Tests carried out on (plastic) bottles containing Volvic water buried in crop circles and areas in surrounding field (control) sealed with elastoplast and wrapped in aluminium foil:..Read More at



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