1. To The FBI and To District Attorney of the Alameda County Tortures of Ms. Nina Sidoorva by the Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate)

From: Nina Sidorova <nikavictory108@mail.ru>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 5:39 PM
Subject: 1. To The FBI and To District Attorney of the Alameda County Tortures of Ms. Nina Sidoorva by the Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate)

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От кого: Nina Sidorova <nikavictory108@mail.ru>
Кому: san.francisco@ic.fbi.gov, Atlanta@ic.fbi.gov, anchoragefbi@ak.net, Boston@ic.fbi.gov, buffalo@ic.fbi.gov, birmingham@ic.fbi.gov, Baltimore@ic.fbi.gov, Boise.SLC@ic.fbi.g, Columbia@ic.fbi.gov, cleveland.cv@ic.fbi.gov, Cincinnati@ic.fbi.g, Chicago@ic.fbi.gov, Charlotte.public@ic.fbi.gov, Denver@ic.fbi.gov, Jacksonville@ic.fbi.gov, Houston.Texas@ic.fbi.gov, info@alcoda.org, askwwm-da@acgov.org, askfhj-da@acgov.org, askghj-da@acgov.org, askcepd-da@acgov.org, askpaf-da@acgov.org, askjjc-da@acgov.org, askfjc-da@acgov.org, info@calicocenter.org
Дата: Понедельник, 27 августа 2018, 14:00 -07:00
Тема: 1. To The FBI and To District Attorney of the Alameda County Tortures of Ms. Nina Sidoorva by the Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate)

To The FBI

Ms. Nina Sidorova, President of the Northern California Tenant Association, asks the leaders of FBI States’ Headquarters why the terrorists-murderers of the Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate
committed cyber attacks and stopped my emails to the leaders of the District Attorney Office of the Alameda County of California (see next emails)?  

Is this Satanic Gang of the terrorists, who have infiltrated US Intel Agencies, and their foreign “owners” completely hijacked the State of California? Who have permitted them to stop citizens’ complaints and reports to the District Attorney Offices of California? 

I already submitted to the FBI the names of those, who pay for torturing, harassing, attacking me and murdering me with DE weapons.

These war criminals scare now to death because I listed their names, and I described how they participate in the genocide of US civilians, in our case the residents of the Northern California.

Ms. Nina Sidorova  

                                                                                       Report about Tortures


To Ms. Nancy E. O'Malley
District Attorney of the Alameda County

To Chief Assistant DA Kevin Dunleavy
To Chief of DA Inspectors Robert Chenault
To Assistant Chief Craig Chew
To Victim-Witness Assistance Division

Dear District Attorney Nancy O’Malley
Dear Sirs,
Ms. Nina Sidorova, President of the Northern California Tenant Association, a member of three Human Rights Organizations, and a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights International reports about tortures of me, which are committed by a Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate), many members of which are the mercenaries of the private criminal corporation NFCA-Fusion Centers, which is registered at 5350 Shawnee Road, STE 101-B, City Alexandra, VA 22312.

Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence is described in emails 2, 3 and 4 by a member of this gang (email 2), by Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson (email 3), and by the activists of the Californian organization ITHACA (email 4). 

The report about this gang of terrorists is published on a website of the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture.

I reside now at 4665 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538.   

The terrorists are torturing me from a house at 4673 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538 and one more location, which the specialists could identify easily. 

The terrorists of the Modus Operandi Gang torture me with DE weapons and sonic from 1 AM of each night, not allowing me to sleep and injuring badly the area around a crown chakra, and my bladder. They targeted by head and burned with DE weapons my legs.

Two days ago, I saw two terrorists of the Modus Operandi Syndicate, who were hiding in the house at 4673 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA.

One of the gangsters was a man about 45 years-old with brown hear, not tall, European.  He opened a trunk of his Black Van in the morning in order to bring DE weapons to his car.  However, this terrorist immediately came back home, witnessing me observing his actions from a street.

The second terrorist was a blond man about 40 years-old man, European face. 

These terrorists did not expect me to see them. I moved my car a few blocks away when I left a house, where I reside now, and the terrorists assumed that I left.  

When I saw them on a drive way of the house 4673, I quickly came back to this house, and I parked my car on the street in the front of this house.
Yesterday, a Hindu woman, who perhaps is one of the owners of this house, committed ‘theatrical performances’ in order to mislead me. 

The terrorists of the Modus Operandi Gang and the perpetrators, who are working with a criminal corporation --NFCA, are always doing this kind of ‘theatrical performances’. This is one of their criminal tools.  These kinds of ‘theatrical performances’ were described very well by the victims of this terrorist syndicate.
I sincerely request your legal actions against the terrorists, who torture me.  I request arrests of the terrorists, who were brought to 4673 Mowry Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538, and one more location, which could be identified easily.
The Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate), which is owned and paid by the UK and Israeli Occupational Forces in the USA, commits genocide of US civilians, including children, women, and US Veterans. This gang of professional terrorists torture and murder US civilians, and now this gang torture me.
Ms. Nina Sidorova
President of the Northern California Tenant Association,

The United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

To The Members of the United Nations Security Council!
Cc: FBI States’ Headquarters,
US Department of Justice and Mass Media.
To Honorable Provost Marshal Major General David Glaser, Commanding General U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command!
To The International Criminal Tribunals
                                               To The International Human Rights Organizations 
Honorable Sirs,
I am Ms. Nina Sidorova, President of the Northern California Tenant Association (NCTA), a member of three Human Rights Organizations and a member of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, who submitsa now to You an Urgent Report about tortures of me and a new attempt to murder me by the extremely dangerous terrorist gang of Intel Agents, including UK MI6, MI5 agents and Israeli Mossad.  This y the extremely dangerous terrorist gang of Intel Agents, inclu, which is described very well in my following letters 2, 3, and 4. This is the same terrorist gang of assassins and sadists of the Intel Agents,  which is described by different organizations and different people.

I state and I can support my statement that this Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence was organized, is owned and paid by the UK and Israeli Occupational Forces in the USA, mostly by the Criminal British Empire!  

The Criminal British Empire, 
including British Royal Family, and the War Criminal State of Israel are torturing and slowly murdering me, as well as many other Honest and Brave Americans in the USA, People in Germany, England,  Brave Patriots in Russia and in other countries with Direct Energy, microwave, and sonic weapons! 

terrorists entered and enter now the places where I resided and reside now, poison my food, steal my expensive belongings and vandalize my laptops and other electronics.  

The UK and Israeli Governments-Murderers and British Royal Family are owned this gang of  paid by them terrorists-assassins of the Professional Gang of Hitmen on contract to the security and intelligence agencies.  

1.   The Modus Operandi Syndicate: A Professional Gang Of Hitmen On Contract To The Security & Intelligence Agencies aka THE MODUS OPERANDI OF FBI, CIA, NSA PAID TERRORISTS WHO SECRETLY TORTURE AND MURDER AMERICANS

http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/07/the-criminal-modus-operandi-gang/ http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=20684      
2.   Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson described this Gang:
I, Ted l. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains of penalties of jury that the following statements are true and correct: 
Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence Services (including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the N.S.A. and Military Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal enterprises, and, victim testimonies, l have come to the conclusion that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This program's operations are financed by illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets.
3.   Secret U.S. Nazi Torture Network that attacks, money grub, torture and murder US civilians:
In December 2016: “A groundbreaking report just released to the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture by the activist organization ITHACA reveals the existence of a massive, secret imprisonment and torture system that targets tens of thousands of Americans each year. (Some have estimated it yields annual profits upwards of $40-billion annually to the perpetrators."   

Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

This report explains that the "Secret U.S. Torture Network” is protected by a fearsome network of judges, attorneys and other court officers, court-appointed guardians, law enforcement, APS social workers, psychologists and medical personnel.”

Honorable Sirs!
Americans! Friends!
I re-state once gain, and I can support my statement with many facts that this Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence was organized, is owned, and is paid by the UK and Israeli Occupational Forces in the USA, mostly by the Criminal British Empire!  
This is how it became possible that UK criminal government, British Royal Family, and the War Criminal State of Israel hijacked completely the USA and torture now sadistically and murder Americans, especially targeting women and children, who cannot defend themselves. 

I already described and showed to the Provost Marshals of the US Army and to other agencies and organizations an  organizations structure of this gang of the Intel terrorists.  I even showed some financial sources-accounts, trough which these Intel and Police terrorists-assassins are being paid by UK  and other Jewish bankers.  

On August 9, 2018,  I submitted to the Hall of Justice my Appellant’s Opening Brief of the Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715, which exposes the corrupted judges and attorneys of the Santa Clara County Court, who are members of the Satanic Jewish Pedophile Crime Syndicate, and who participate in genocide of US civilians, in our case the genocide of the residents of  Santa Clara County: Presiding Judge Carol Overton of the Santa Clara County Court of Jewish nationality and her two crime partners, two Jews, High Level Fraud  Attorney Todd Rothbard of the Law Offices of Todd Rothbard and Fraud  Attorney Leo B. Siegel of the Stone & Siegel Law Firm.
This lawsuit (Case No. 17CV318715) is the EIGHT (8th) fraudulent lawsuit that the organized crime syndicate, which hijacked completely subsidized and other kinds of housing in the Northern California, filed against me, President of the Northern California Tenant Association,  as retaliation for my help and assistance to the elderly and other low-income tenants of California with their Fair Housing Rights.
I exposed criminals--members of the organized crime syndicate, including attorneys, some judges, and some police leaders, during court hearings of the seven previous lawsuits that this organized crime syndicate forged and filed against me. Their seven fraudulent lawsuits against me were dismissed.
The Satanic Organized Pedophile Crime Syndicate and its Modus Operandi Gang of the terrorists of intelligence agencies were horrified that one regular simple woman was able to expose seven times in the courts this organized crime syndicate and its extremely corrupted judges and attorneys of Jewish nationality such as Judge Overon and her two crime partners-frauds,  Attorney Rothbard and Attorney Siegel, after which their fraudulent lawsuits, including criminal lawsuits against me,  were dismissed.
Twice, I received a RIGHT TO SUE the Housing Cartel of the Northern California, which is owned by UK bankers,  and some criminals-officials, who were involved in forgery of fraudulent lawsuits against me.
You would not imagine what the Intel terrorists and two corrupted police leaders, born in Pueto-Rico Chief of San Jose Police Department Eddie Garcia and born in Vietnam Chief of Sunnyvale Police Department Phan Ngo,  who are members of the terrorist gang, committed against me in order to prevent me from exposing them during their eight fraudulent lawsuits that a criminal syndicate forged and filed against me.
In July 2018, the terrorists-assassin committed a few criminal actions, after which I was evicted from the place where I reside.  They did it in order to make me homeless and not being able to expose Extremely Corrupted Jewish Satanist Judge Carol Overton of the Santa Clara County Court and her two crime partners, Jewish frauds, Attorney Todd Rothbard and Attorney Leo Siegel.  I am overstating, calling Jew Judge Overton a satanist. Please, read two publications, which step by step describe Satanist Judge Overtone's actions:  
These three Jewish Satanists, who are operating in the Santa Clara County Court of Californian, who are stealing  houses and apartments from residents of the Santa Clara County, and who are committing regularly fraudulent mass evictions of innocent and very good tenants of California in order to make the residents homeless, after which some of these homeless Californians will be forced to leave California and some of these homeless people will be murdered by this gang of Intel Assassins, by members of 634 of criminal Jewish  organizations, which operate in the USA and which are involved in genocide of the US citizens and by the members of the Mexican and Latino Drug Cartels, such as Mexican Drug Gang Nortenous, that operate in the California.  

Please, view in the videos below what corrupted judges and attorneys, such as a Jew-Judge Overton, a Jew-Attorney Rothbard and a Jew- Attorney Siegel, created in California in order to depopulate California and to make the State of  California available for Israelis because the Project Israel is closed now and also o make California available UK top citizens, after the UK would sink, punished by God, which is predicted by many prophets...  UK government and the British Royal Family know this very well...  Please, watch what the UK and Israeli occupational forces and judges such as Judge Overton created in California.  

                                                              California Homeless Problem 



Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller 

                              The Terrorists-Corrupted Intel Agents, who are on pay lists of the UK and Jewish bankers:
(My report about tortures is below Dr. Katherine Horton's testimony) 

Dr. Katherine Horton Discusses Gang Stalking, Energy Weapons, and What to Do about It on WBBhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-jR-evLCMk
12:50: Dr. Katherine Horton explains that she was attacked with De weapons from  three or four properties around her house. They terrorists-assassins were shooting at her with DE Weapons… Police put at mental hospitals healthy people who are being tortured by Judo Nazis and who complained to police.  Please check 16:32 where Dr. Horton explains about street theater...   
This is a style that this terrorist gang of assassins of the Intel criminals use, and they did exactly the same with me... Read below.
Dr. Horton explains in this video about the Secret UK Court, to which people can submit complains about intelligence agencies and she explains how judges of this court harass victims, whom these crated by UK gangs of terrorists-assassins torture and murder  
Please Stop the Holocaust (Stop 007) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLifs7IioiI

The terrorists, who were brought to the Ranchero Mobil Home Park at 900 Henderson Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 

Ranchero Mobil Home Park at 900 Henderson Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (Unit 89A, Unit 9A, Unit 88 and Unit 15).
The terrorists from Unit 89 A, Unit 9A and Unit 88 and Unit 15 of the Ranchero Mobil Home Park City of Sunnyvale, CA are torturing with DE weapons and injured:

1.       My right ear
2.    Torturing the area of the first chakra. They attack the low-level chakra after 2 AM in the night.
They are murdering 72-years-old US Veteran John who resident at Unit 9B by the same way. US Veteran cannot walk know, has extreme pain in his legs and hips.  The terrorists in Unit 89A (Lockheed Martin’s bandit and his pregnant crime partner-sadist woman, who goes outside to her car often in her dirty underwear, etc.
The terrorists in Unit 9A, this is a family who perform theatrical acts, leaving the Unit 9A in the night and the CIA and Mossad sadists enter this Unit in the night with DE weapons, targeting my head, inserting
3.    The Intel gangsters-terrorists are targeting and damaging my bladder.  

Respectfully submitted not finished yet report,

Ms. Nina Sidorova,
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
Phone: 408-204-8252


Please, read below to see what the Gangsters-Assassins of the Intel Agencies committed against the USA and We The People.
This Satanic Scum allowed the UK to hijacked completely the USA

Field McConnell speaks about SERCO, the "biggest company that you've never heard of", a private company out of the United Kingdom, which he claims is responsible for running the entire US Military. This is Treason! SERGO is British Corporation! Another corporation BAE British aerial Space 
Conclusion: Serco (UK) is implementing the infrastructure for reducing world population by 75% using 5G and other technologies. The rogue C.I.A., banks, Senior Executive Service (SES), Silicon Valley, education, judiciary, many politicians and MSM are assisting them, and being well paid to do so.https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2018/05/ses-serco-wet-ware-soft-kill-plan-is_16.html#ted-turner-depopulation-goal 
SERCO, SES  & Wet-Ware By EDITOR  June 6, 2018 No Comments48SHARESShareTweetGoogle+    Fig. 1—Serco Group Plc conspires with the Senior Executive Service (SES) to implement a soft kill program to depopulate the world through eugenics, networks, software and poison programs. Graphic: AFI.SERCO, SES  & Wet-WareSES, SERCO, “WET-WARE” SOFT KILL PLAN IS HAPPENING, BUT CAN BE STOPPED: DEFUND THEM, NOW!By Americans for Innovation

5:52 Has capability take any airliner in the world 5:37 (Malaysia 370 airflight) 5:59 it cost False Flag Attacks

Field McConnell Gives Update on SES/SERCO Take Downhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dopJHGCvehY

Getting to Know SERCO - By Betsy & Thomashttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKfWYAyJqZo   Senior Executive Service! SES to Sergo! 

Field Takes AIM at SES and Serco - Abel Dangerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZNOqadrdM0



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