5 Part I Gestapo in the USA.- Private Criminal Corporation National Fusion Center Association Inc. (Fusion Centers) owned, which tortures and murders Americans, including children and women! ! -

From: Nina Sidorova <nikavictory108@mail.ru>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 5:41 PM
Subject: 5 Part I Gestapo in the USA.- Private Criminal Corporation National Fusion Center Association Inc. (Fusion Centers) owned, which tortures and murders Americans, including children and women! ! -

To Ms. Nancy E. O'Malley
District Attorney of the Alameda County

To Chief Assistant DA Kevin Dunleavy
To Chief of DA Inspectors Robert Chenault
To Assistant Chief Craig Chew
To Victim-Witness Assistance Division

Dear District Attorney Nancy O’Malley
Dear Sirs,

Since 2012, I contacted the FBI reporting about horrific elderly abuses that are federal crimes, tortures and murders of innocent residents, who are tenants of the Northern California.

The FBI leaders and agents of the Northern California offered me to conduct my own research-investigation to understand why they were not arresting Israeli and UK criminals and the members of the Professional Gang of Terrorists --Hitmen on Contract to The Security & Intelligence (the Modus Operandi Syndicate), who committed and commit now the genocide of US civilians, residents of the Northern California.

As a law-abiding US citizen, I conducted my investigation, and you can see some examples of my investigation in next three emails (emails 5/1; 5/2, and 6).  

Of course, since 2012, I submitted all pieces of my investigation to the FBI.

Ms. Nina Sidorova

Part 1

Gestapo in the USA--Fusion Centers,a private criminal corporation,NATIONAL FUSION CENTER ASSOCIATION INC. (SCC ID 07179369), which is registered at 5350 Shawnee Road, STE 101-B, City Alexandra, VA 22312 and which is owned by the UK and Israeli Occupational Forces in the USA! http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/03/urgent-us-gestapo-aka-us-fusion-centers-a-private-criminal-corporation-a-large-uk-and-israeli-run-secret-police-occupation-force-inside-america-national-fusion-center-association-inc-scc-id-071-3490837.html unday, March 19, 2017Urgent!! US Gestapo aka US Fusion Centers, a private criminal corporation, a large UK and Israeli-run Secret Police Occupation Force inside America: NATIONAL FUSION CENTER ASSOCIATION INC. (SCC ID 07179369)in the USAhttp://nesaranews.blogspot.ie/search?updated-max=2017-03-21T19:59:00-04:00&max-results=30&reverse-paginate=true&start=128&by-date=falsehttps://saintandrewstwinflame.com/2017/05/26/tuesday-may-2-2017-urgent-urgent-attacked-by-us-fusion-centers-gestapo-in-the-usa-important-document-israeli-mossad-is-murdering-me/   The President of the NATIONAL FUSION CENTER ASSOCIATION INC.--US GESTAPO is Mr. Mike Sena Mr. Mike Sena personally and his criminal private corporation NFCA, which We The People call Gestapo in the USA, serve Israeli and UK-run Secret Police Occupation Force inside America, foreign bankers, war criminals, robbers, drug dealers, satanists andpedophiles of the Khazarian MafiaMr. Mike Sena resided at 2712 Taylor Street #300, San Francisco, Ca 94132.The Mercenaries--criminals of US Gestapo aka Fusion Centers torture, harass, money grub and murder innocent Americans, including children, women, senior citizens and US Veterans! The true covert reasons that DHS and Fusion Centers were set up was to serve as a large Israeli-run Secret Police Occupation Force inside America to be used to progressively destroy America and mass-murder about 90% of its civilians, after transforming America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open-air prison camp and making Americans the World’s New Palestinians. The Intel Report was prepared by a new group of American Intel Officials who are up and comers and known to be America-firsters. This group of American Intel Officials with the Congressional Research Committee prepared a special report and sent this report to the US Congressional Intel Committee, detailing the apparent facts thatAmerican Intel after September 2001 was hijacked by a Foreign Power, andthat it is Completely Dysfunctional…Many of the Targeted Individuals, as well as other US citizens, call the DHS and its Fusion Centers an Israeli Gestapo or Jewish Gestapo in the USA.The Department of Homeland Security is also a Private Corporation that registeredat 12507 Cliff Age Drive, Herndon, VA 20170.  Below, you can see photos of two other leaders of the Gestapo of Northern California- Mr. John Bennett - Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco FBI and Born in Puerto Rico Chief of San Jose Police Mr. Eddie Garcia - , a dangerous criminal-police gangster, who hates Americans. You can find names of all of the leaders-terrorists of US Fusion Centers-Gestapo in the USA on the website of this private corporation.GESTAPO USA: FED-POLICE FUSION CENTER VIGILANTE NETWORK PERSECUTES CITIZEN TARGETShttp://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/01/thugocracy-u.html https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/entry.php?413-Gestapo-usa-Fed-police-vigilante-network-persecutes-citizen-targets Are Fusion Centers the New “Gestapo” Facilities for the North American Union Under HLS?http://beforeitsnews.com/power-elite/2010/11/are-fusion-centers-the-new-gestapo-facilities-for-the-north-american-union-under-hls-264648.html https://www.facebook.com/notes/vic-livingston/gestapo-usa-lockheed-martincopfusion-center-directed-teen-goons-store-mob-journo/242535072436995/ Important! You can see in the end of the video below the types of DE weapons and microwave weapons, which mercenaries--terrorists of US Fusion Centers and gangsters of a large Israeli and UK run Secret Police Occupation Force inside America use to torture and murder US civilians.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR6-kNAWdL4 The kind of the stalking that you saw in the video above is not gang-stalking of US citizens, as many unaware  people call it, this is COUNTERINTELLIGENCE STALKING of innocent US civilians, which also used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, Israeli Mossad, private investigators, and their clients.US Army Intelligence Officer: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocausthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZMNoIB6w30 Ms. Nina Sidorova: The Holocaust of US Civilians,A Letter to Provost Marshalls of the US Army, the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Tribunalshttps://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/05/05/ms-nina-sidorova-the-holocaust-of-us-civilians-to-the-united-nations-provost-marshall-of-the-us-army-and-the-international-criminal-tribunals/ http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2015/05/fwd-urgent-ms-nina-sidorova-holocaust.htmlThe author is right, stating,https://www.facebook.com/notes/vic-livingston/gestapo-usa-lockheed-martincopfusion-center-directed-teen-goons-store-mob-journo/242535072436995/ THIS IS AN AMERICAN GESTAPO – AND IT HAS NULLIFIED THE RULE OF LAW IN AMERICA AND HAS CORRUPTED EVERY POLICE DEPARTMENT AND EVERY SECURITY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY AND COMMAND IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.THE ‘TEAM LEADERS’ OF THIS ‘COMMUNITY POLICING’ GESTAPO GENERALLY ARE LOCAL POLICE OFFICERS, WHOSE DEPARTMENTS ARE WILLING ACCOMPLICES TO A SICK AND PERVERSE FORM OF DOMESTIC HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION OF EXTRA-JUDICIALLY ‘TARGETED’ CITIZENS – MANY TARGETED FOR REASONS OF IDEOLOGY, POLITICS, etc.  Americans!  Friends!You can reasonably ask with whom US Fusion Centers fused and mixed. Who are the mercenaries and members of US Fusion Centers, Private Criminal Corporation NAFC-- US Gestapo?You can find on the Internet that the mercenaries of the US Fusion Centers are CIA, FBI and NSA agents and private defense contractors.  Yes! In addition to the above, Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), which is a huge, private criminal domestic-intelligence agency, – also called Red Squads, participate in war crimes against US civilians.  The LEIUs have been regularly caught in illegal wiretapping, burglary, and spying on the private lives of ordinary US citizens. Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLOs), who help choosing the targets—TIs, Targeted Individuals, are another ‘players’ involved in war crimes against US citizens.  In addition, TOLs choose corporate partners such as members of InfraGard, DSAC, and Threat Assessment Teams in various civilian organizations (mostly US Jewish organizations) that participate in Gestapo’s activities--Genocide of US civilians.DSAC-- the Domestic Security Alliance Council InfraGard is a public-private intelligence sharing partnership managed by the FBI Cyber Division Public/Private Alliance Unit (PPAU). There are 86 Infragard chapters in the USA, which serve as representatives in many of the US Fusion Centers.  You can easily find information that the Fusionists-terrorists of US Gestapo Centers are involved in distribution of drugs, and they are connected to Latino Drug Cartels, and the gangsters of these Latino Drug Cartels are involved in tortures, money grubbing, kidnapping of children and murders of innocent civilians whom Mr. Sena, leaders of Khazarian Mafia, Israeli Mossad, bankers, corrupted officials and other leaders of Gestapo require them to torture and murder.For example, in California, Mexican gangsters of Mexican Mafia (“La EME”), California’s violent Mexican gangs (Nortenos /Sureños/ Sur 13) and La Familia (Nuestra Familia) together with Gestapo’s Fusionists  are robbing, money grubbing, torturing with microwave and DE weapons and murdering  innocent civilians of California,mostly targeting white people.I suggest to those of you who wants to know more about participation of Mexican Drug Gangsters in genocide of white Californians and the gangsters' connections to the local police departments and fusion centers to read reports of numerous state legislators, including  “California Senate pro tem Kevin de Leon.You can easily find information that more than 85% of DHS' contractors in 2012 and later were US Jewish Organizations and Israeli Defense Contractors. You know names only of a few of the Jewish Criminal Organizations in the USA such as ADL, AIPAC, JINSA, etc. that involved in crimes of genocide of US civilians.  Later, in 2015,  they admitted that there are more than 100 of the Jewish Organizations in the USA, many of which involved in crimes against US civilians...We The People! Americans!According to the information of Russian Intel that you can find on Russian websites,there are more than 500(MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED!!)  Jewish Organizations in the USA! Many of US Jewish organizations are working with Fusion Centers-US Gestapo and with DHS, and many of them are a part of a large Israeli-run Secret Police Occupation Force inside America.  However, this would be difficult for many of you to find or figure out who are exactly some of the mercenaries of US Fusion Gestapo, so-called Israeli Law-enforcement Agents, who were brought to the USA by Washington based Jewish Organization JINSA-- Jewish Institute for National Security of America!I was shocked when in 2012, a senior tenant of the City of Mountain View, California said to me, “Nina, Israelis are here… Israelis are murdering us!”This senior tenant had resided in Shorebreeze apartment #111, Mountain View, Ca.  She caught a few times Israeli murderers with DE weapons inside her apartment. The Israelis were talking, and Ms. Zlontnik heard their accent. They were targeting me and one more citizen with DE (Direct Energy) Stun-Guns from a window of her apartment.  Ms. Zlontnik asked two other people to follow these Israelis.  The Israelis came back to707 California Avenue, Mountain View CA 94042, where a criminal fusion center—Fusion Ops of Mountain View, CA is located.This woman was murdered in two weeks after that.  She was found in her apartment in two months after her death.  Jewish Terrorist Kevin Solomon is one of the fusion terrorists, who participated in tortures and murders of 14 Shorebreeze tenants of Mountain View, CA.  When I heard first time about Israelis, murdering US civilians,  I thought that this smart and very responsible woman made a mistake…  It took for me more than eight months in 2012 to find out that many of  the Israeli Sadists—mercenaries of US Fusion Centers, who money grub, harass, torture and murder US civilians since 2001, were/are:Soldiers of Israeli Army Tzahal, Mossad Agents, Agents of Israeli Military Intelligence "Haman" that is an independent intelligence service, responsible to the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Agents of the General Security Service "Shabak," Agents of Shin Bet (Israeli Counterintelligence), employees of the Secret Service "Nativ" (Bureau Relations with the Jews--Israeli Sainyam Assets. This Bureau is in the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel).There are the kinds of Israelis, whom JINSA brought to the USA!The Headquarter of Criminal Israeli Mossad in the USA locates in an underground base under Denver Airport, (Denver, Colorado).  Criminal Israeli Mossad is money grubbing, torturing and murdering the best Americans, especially targeting US Veterans, journalists and whistle-blowers.Criminal Israeli Mossad operates as a Secret Department within the USA.  Mossad together with terrorists of US Fusion Gestapo facilitate drug smuggling industry to pay the enormous cost of Mossad far-flung and clandestine operations. Mossad armed members of Jewish criminal organizations in the USA, and trained US Jews in the secret so-called “self-defense” Mossad Units, after which these Jewish terrorists, the Fifth Column in the USA, together with Fusion Gestapo  torture and murder innocent US citizens, especially targeting honest journalists, writers, leaders of US public organizations and US Veterans.  Those of you, who want to know more, please, let me know, and I will send you information that is more detailed.  Mossad has their KATSA—Intelligence Case Officers who are planning and organizing assassinations of the best Americans, after which Mossad Assassination Unit KIDON assassinates our best citizens!  They assassinate Americans who request to stop immediately money grubbing of our country and to stop genocide of US civilians.This Israeli Mossado scum considers themselves being “Gods.”   If you do not trust me, please, watch a short video-interview of one of the former top Mossad Katsa- intelligence officers, who explains in his video-interview how Mossad uses Jewish Fifth Column in the USA and other countries... Ex-Mossad Officer Reveals How They Operatehpps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NTbLx5u_LE We The People were informed in 2013 that the hacker organization, Anonymous, hacked Israelis Mossad, and exposed a hidden network of 30,000 covert Mossad spies who are openly labeled as “hitman”. My investigation showed that US Army Intelligence and Russian Army Intelligence are those 'Famous Anonymous' who hacked Israeli Mossad computer and exposed a hidden network of 30,000 covert Mossad spies—terrorists and murderers!  I believe that my testimony would not hurt the 'Anonymous' of this case…  Horror in Israel: 30,000 Mossad Spies Exposedhttp://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/01/horror-in-israel-30000-mossad-spies-exposed/“MOSSAD = KILLERS of Forrestal + JFK + Bobby Kennedy + MLKJR + Prominent American Jews like Senator Paul Wellstone and his family…”“After all, who is better to carry out acts of terrorism than an organization with 30,000 covert operatives around the world, almost all trained in use of explosives and demolition, building IEDs, car bombs, kidnapping and assassination and with a long and very public history of, not just murdering people but getting away with it as well.”30,000 Mossad Spies Exposedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl6hg9mroIQhttps://concisepolitics.com/2015/11/05/30000-mossad-spies-and-covert-agents-exposed-by-anonymous/http://konsul-777-999.livejournal.com/853865.htmlhttp://communitarian.ru/novosti/internet/anonymous__raskryli_set_iz_30_000_taynyh_agentov_mossada_06042013/https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2013/03/24/did-anonymous-hack-israels-mossad-spy-agency/#27f388f327ddhttps://www.facebook.com/SpotlightingSA/posts/389188167917027https://concisepolitics.com/2015/11/05/30000-mossad-spies-and-covert-agents-exposed-by-anonymous/https://stmegi.com/posts/33296/otto-skortseni-natsist-stavshiy-naemnym-ubiytsey-mossada/ http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres11/OSTROVbywayofdecep.pdfI suggest to the Californians, who want to see Mossad hitman-- Jewish terrorist to visit 900Henderson Avenue, UNIT 89, Sunnyvale, CA. Israeli #Troops to Occupy #AmericaA son of one of  the leaders of Jerusalem Israeli Police,“Hey Americans, You’re Next on Zionists’ Hit List”https://vimeo.com/148963585 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnO62u1A7pc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_d0kSGxIfY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlT4qfdNtQ Why a private corporation, National Fusion Center Association Inc., led by M. Sena and private corporation DHS, attack, torture and murder innocent US civilians, including children and women? Why?We are peaceful people!The Fusion Gestapo and DHS are working with Israeli Mossad and other Israeli terrorists and killers!  My investigation shows that they are the Real Terrorists!Fusion Centers Militarizing Local Police for "Gestapo Role" Under (COG) Planhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaufzKm_mjMhttp://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/01/thugocracy-u.html The New Gestapo?https://cutdc.com/2011/03/29/homeland-security-the-new-gestapo/ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/05/01/fusion-and-fear-in-america-the-non-existent-terrorist-threat/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT6yelGI1oY America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign of Terrorhttp://www.abeldanger.net/2016/03/americas-gestapo-fbis-reign-of-terror.htmlhttps://www.infowars.com/americas-gestapo-the-fbis-reign-of-terror/America's Gestapohttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44866.htmhttp://unitedtruthseekers.com/profiles/blogs/fusion-centers-use-warrantless-spying-to-persecute-hate-targets https://www.oathkeepers.org/americas-gestapo-the-fbis-reign-of-terror/ Silent Terror of the Fourth Reichhttp://www.counterpunch.org/2017/02/09/the-fbi-silent-terror-of-the-fourth-reich/ tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx6g7dNxX28 “Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.”—Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil libertiesNote from Nina:  Friends, Mr. Paul Craig Roberts, one of our US Heroes, is right!Please, check an attachment.  I placed for you a list of Nazis’ Leaders of Third Reich, their old names, photos and their new names, given to them in the USA.  I included their addresses and their phone numbers in 1999. Look at Adolf Hitler who became in the USA William Coates; Josef Mengele aka  Steven T. Rabel; Otto Skorzeny aka Edward Frank Pyzyna; Nazi George H. Scherf aka George Herbert Walker Bush, 41"t US President; Reinhard Gehlen aka Henry "Hank" V. Janowicz;  Martin Bormann aka Edward Kobylarz and other Nazis-war criminals.  Vatican Jesuits brought these war criminals to the USA, after which this Nazis’ Scum committed new horrific war crimes again humanity!The CIA was created from OSS by the Nazis, who escaped Justice for their war crimes, and who were brought to the USA under Operation Paperclip and Operation Odessa. The Nazis created their Criminal Satanic Forth Reich, and Nazi Reinhard Gehlen, who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) Nazi Military-Intelligence Unit during World War II, with other Nazis created and guided Israeli Mossad!Stop a Kadr of the video below at 4:30…  You can see Jews-criminals, who are marching together with Nazis with Nazis' Flags. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlT4qfdNtQ  “After five years of Hitler’s dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI’s seal of approval.”— Historian Robert GellatelyThe American Gestapo torture matrix is comprised of four main components:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/talk.politics.misc/LV5Hkv5pOqA …1.  CHARACTER ASSASSINATION AND FINANCIAL SABOTAGE2.  SURVEILLANCE AND ORGANIZED 'GANG STALKING' DOMESTIC TERRORISM3.  DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: HOME INTRUSIONS, STREET THEATER, LOSS OF PRIVACY, VANDALISM, COMMERCIAL SABOTAGE4.  THE FUSION CENTER GESTAPO'S FINAL SOLUTION:  SILENT ELECTROMAGNETIC TORTURE AND IMPAIRMENT -- A SLOW-KILL GENOCIDETexas Officer: Fusion Centers Militarizing Local Police for "Gestapo Role" Under (COG) PlanGuides by Nazis CIAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaufzKm_mjM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXVVOYozD3U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNwnyKNJT6Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG3mDITrjts MORE ON AMERICA'S FUSION CENTER BASED EXTRAJUDICIAL GESTAPO AND TORTURE MATRIX:RULE OF LAW, MORALITY DIE IN USA FUSION CENTER SLOW-KILL GENOCIDEhttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/talk.politics.misc/LV5Hkv5pOqAMulti-agency fusion center- directed, police-protected community "policing" thugs stalk, terrorize, poison their targets -- including the journalist who has exposed the microwave "torture towers" being used to silently impair and slow-kill extrajudicially "targeted individuals" and their entire familiesJOURNO TO FBI: TAKE CONTROL OF DHS-RUN FUSION CENTERS TO STOP SILENT RADIO FREQUENCYWEAPON ATTACKS ON U.S. CITIZENS36 billion received in 2008 in contract, targeting individuals.  Defense contractor Lockheed Martin  (Fusion Centers)  Department of Defense and Department of Energy 2:18 Important;https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2016/12/24/defense-contractor-lockheed-martin-implicated-in-covert-microwave-weapon/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VxpcmBLtRY https://www.guernicamag.com/william_d_hartung_is_lockheed/  The Government's Covert Domestic Stealth Assassination Programhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEzvPdBSfn4 Fusion and Fear in America: The non-existent “terrorist threat”New American Gestapohttp://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/05/01/fusion-and-fear-in-america-the-non-existent-terrorist-threat/America’s Gestapo: The FBI’s Reign of Terrorhttps://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/americas_gestapo_the_fbis_reign_of_terrorhttps://www.oathkeepers.org/americas-gestapo-the-fbis-reign-of-terror/ Defense contractor Lockheed Martin implicated in covert microwave weapon…https://e.mail.ru/compose/?1485401274536 https://www.guernicamag.com/william_d_hartung_is_lockheed/ RULE OF LAW, MORALITY DIE IN USA FUSION CENTER SLOW-KILL GENOCIDEhttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/talk.politics.misc/LV5Hkv5pOqA The FBI: The Silent Terror of the Fourth ReichThe FBI Is Hiring Entrapment and Informant Specialists - Gestapo Rebuilt in America as the Fourth Reich - All Over This WastelandOPERATION PHOENIX RUN THROUGH FUSION CENTERS - JTTF (JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE)http://www.abeldanger.net/2017/02/operation-pheonix-run-through-fusion.html  Monday, February 6, 2017US Fusion Centers-Gestapo in the USA, which torture, harass, money grub and murder Americans! Senior Special Agent-In-Charge: thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S.http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2017/02/us-fusion-centers-gestapo-in-usa-which.htmlhttp://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/06/us-govt-runs-grassroots-gang-stalking.html  US Fusion Centers--Gestapo in the USA andGESTAPO USA: LOCKHEED MARTIN/COP/FUSION CENTER DIRECTED TEEN GOONS STORE MOB JOURNO INSIDE PRINCETON NJ AREA WAL-MARThttps://www.facebook.com/notes/vic-livingston/gestapo-usa-lockheed-martincopfusion-center-directed-teen-goons-store-mob-journo/242535072436995/ The Homeland Security Gestapohttp://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-homeland-security-gestapo.html BLAME COP-FED FUSION CENTER VIGILANTE GESTAPO NETWORK IN FLORIDA COMMUNITY POLICING KILLINGhttp://viclivingston.blogspot.com/2012/03/blame-cop-fed-fusion-center-vigilante.htmlRead how the Fusion Gestapo wiht its Nazis' and Israeli Torture Network money grubbing, stealing properties, harassing, torturing and murdring senior citizens. Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmenthttp://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Torture/SRTorture/Pages/SRTortureIndex.aspx New Report to U.N. Special Rapporteur Blasts Secret U.S. Torture Networkhttp://www.activistpost.com/2016/12/new-report-u-n-special-rapporteur-blasts-secret-u-s-torture-network.html NAZI U.S.A. - Secret Imprisonment and Torture Systemhttp://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2016/12/nazi-usa-secret-imprisonment-and.html New Report to U.N. Special Rapporteur Blasts Secret U.S. Torture Networkhttps://61chrissterry.wordpress.com/2016/12/14/new-report-to-u-n-special-rapporteur-blasts-secret-u-s-torture-network/


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