OIG AMTRAK AUDIT: Now, is it ANY WONDER WHY the CBO has repeatedly stated AMTRAK needs ALL of it’s subsidies stopped and it be privatized? AMTRAK falls under the Dept of Transportation’s Oversight. We can THANK Sec. Elaine L Chao for this LONG OVERDUE, IN DEBTH AUDIT of one of the most WASTEFUL Tax Payer funded boondoggles ever!

OIG AMTRAK AUDIT: Now, is it ANY WONDER WHY the CBO has repeatedly stated AMTRAK needs ALL of it’s subsidies stopped and it be privatized?  AMTRAK falls under the Dept of Transportation’s Oversight. We can THANK Sec. Elaine L Chao for this LONG OVERDUE, IN DEBTH AUDIT of one of the most WASTEFUL Tax Payer funded boondoggles ever!

Semiannual Report to Congress, October 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018,

Office of Inspector General, Department of the Treasury


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