This is a joint investigation with the FBI and the U.S. Department of State–Diplomatic Security Service. United States v. Nelia Angelina Mulembwe (E.D. Texas) California Man Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison for Defrauding Longshore Union Plan On July 2, 2018, Oganes Doganyan was sentenced to 33 months in prison for his role in a scheme to defraud the International Longshore and Warehouse Union–Pacific Maritime Association’s (ILWU-PMA) Health and Welfare Plan (Health Plan).

This is a joint investigation with the FBI and the U.S. Department of State–Diplomatic Security Service. United States v. Nelia Angelina Mulembwe (E.D. Texas)

California Man Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison for Defrauding Longshore Union Plan

On July 2, 2018, Oganes Doganyan was sentenced to 33 months in prison for his role in a scheme to defraud the International Longshore and Warehouse Union–Pacific Maritime Association’s (ILWU-PMA) Health and Welfare Plan (Health Plan). 

Doganyan and co-conspirators Nik Nikbakht and Shawn Chait incorporated diagnostic companies used to submit claims for reimbursement to the Health Plan for studies and tests that were not medically necessary. Nikbakht recruited Health Plan members to receive diagnostic medical services and testing by offering members cash payments in return for receiving diagnostic medical services. Doganyan arranged for the Health Plan reimbursement checks, proceeds from the fraud, to be deposited into Doganyan Plumbing, Galaxy Escrow, and Imperial Car Wash—companies Doganyan exercised control over. Doganyan then transferred payments from these companies to Nikbakht, Chait, and his personal account. The payments were made to appear as legitimate business transactions engaged in by those companies. On May 18, 2018, Chait was sentenced to 12 months and 1 day in prison for his role in the scheme. Nikbakht is scheduled to be sentenced in December 2018. 


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