This was a joint investigation with the FBI, EBSA, and IRS-CI. United States v. Oganes Doganyan (C.D. California). Former Massachusetts and Rhode Island Union Officer Sentenced for Embezzlement On July 17, 2018, Henry Clay Green Sr., was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 12 months’ probation for embezzling from a labor union.

This was a joint investigation with the FBI, EBSA, and IRS-CI. United States v. Oganes Doganyan (C.D. California). 

Former Massachusetts and Rhode Island Union Officer Sentenced for Embezzlement 

On July 17, 2018, Henry Clay Green Sr., was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 12 months’ probation for embezzling from a labor union. 

From May 19, 2011 to July 14, 2016, Green was secretary-treasurer of Local 26 of UNITE HERE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees and Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union), a labor union representing hospitality industry workers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. In that capacity, Green exercised control over various aspects of Local 26’s financial operations and used his position to embezzle more than $170,000 from the organization for his own use. Green pled guilty to embezzlement from a labor union on December 1, 2017. As a result of Green’s conviction, he is prohibited from serving or being permitted to serve in most union positions and capacities including dealings with the union’s employee benefit plans.


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