This was a joint investigation with OLMS and EBSA. United States v. Green (D. Massachusetts) North Texas Woman Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison and Ordered to Pay More Than $800,000 in Restitution to the Department of Labor On July 9, 2018, Brenda Anderson, of Grand Prairie, Texas, was sentenced to 12 months in prison and ordered to pay $831,432 in restitution for her role in a health care fraud scheme that defrauded OWCP.

This was a joint investigation with OLMS and EBSA. United States v. Green (D. Massachusetts)

North Texas Woman Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison and Ordered to Pay More Than $800,000 in Restitution to the Department of Labor 

On July 9, 2018, Brenda Anderson, of Grand Prairie, Texas, was sentenced to 12 months in prison and ordered to pay $831,432 in restitution for her role in a health care fraud scheme that defrauded OWCP.

Brenda Anderson was employed by Union Treatment Centers, LLC (UTC). Brenda Anderson controlled and operated Best First Administration (BFA), a durable medical equipment company affiliated with UTC. In July 2011, upon termination of her employment with UTC, Brenda Anderson retained UTC patient information on OWCP claimants. From July 2011 through June 2015, Brenda Anderson submitted fraudulent invoices to OWCP for durable medical equipment through her own company. 

$375,000 in cash seized from the Anderson Residence Brenda’s husband, Tshombe, opened two separate companies through which he billed OWCP using the same claimant information as BFA. In total, Anderson and her co-conspirators submitted more than $26 million in inappropriate claims to OWCP.


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