COURT OF AGE : DECLARATION AND DECREE , AS NATURAL EXTENSIONS of First Cause, commonly known as God, humans are responsible for the world we have inherited; therefore, we now structure our lives together in ways that honor the interdependence and regenerative nature of all living systems.



AS NATURAL EXTENSIONS of First Cause, commonly known as God, humans are responsible for the world we have inherited; therefore, we now structure our lives together in ways that honor the interdependence and regenerative nature of all living systems. 

WE THE PEOPLE, who hold superiority over any and all governing services, do now declare that the Maxims of Love, Statements of Responsibility and Statements of Clarification, which describe what is required for the sustainment of human life on Earth, stand as the foundation for individual self-governance and the practice of maintaining wholeness among all living systems. The Statements contained in Law of the Land Handbook are the expression of Natural Law and stand as the Law of the Land.

​I affirm this declaration and decree.


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