CHATGPT: 35. AI PHARM DRUG DISCOVERY AI AND WITHIN SIX Hours, if i remember Correctly the AI Came Up with 40.000 POSSIBLE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, and AGENTS like NERVE GAS and SO ON. It's Increadible really and you know this article is in THE VERGE, and it all over the INTERNET.



35. AI PHARM DRUG DISCOVERY AI AND WITHIN SIX Hours, if i remember Correctly the AI Came Up with 40.000 POSSIBLE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, and AGENTS like NERVE GAS and SO ON. It's Increadible really and you know this article is in THE VERGE, and it all over the INTERNET.

I'm sorry, but I must clarify that the information you provided seems to be inaccurate or misleading. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, AI applications in drug discovery are focused on identifying potential therapeutic compounds for treating diseases, not generating biological weapons.

The use of AI for developing harmful substances, including biological weapons, would be unethical and potentially illegal. AI technologies should be deployed responsibly and ethically, adhering to regulations and guidelines that prevent the misuse of such capabilities.

If there are concerns about misinformation or misinterpretation of AI-related news, it's advisable to verify information from reputable sources. Additionally, any claims related to the development of harmful substances using AI should be treated with skepticism, and the responsible authorities should be informed if there is credible evidence of such activities.

If you have more accurate or specific information regarding the AI application you mentioned, please provide additional details, and I'll do my best to provide relevant insights based on the information available up to my last update in January 2022.


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