According to Wikipedia, United States Declaration of Independence is an important document in the history of the United States of America. On July 4, 1776, the Americans claimed their Independence, thinking that Democracy was born when they were no longer under the British Empire. With reference to the online article entitled The Two U.S. Constitutions, when the United States was in dire financial straits, the Rothschilds of London, who were the international bankers, devised a way of taking back control of the United States through the passage of “the Act of 1871” (

According to Wikipedia, United States Declaration of Independence is an important document in the history of the United States of America.

On July 4, 1776, the Americans claimed their Independence, thinking that Democracy was born when they were no longer under the British Empire.

With reference to the online article entitled The Two U.S. Constitutions, when the United States was in dire financial straits, the Rothschilds of London, who were the international bankers, devised a way of taking back control of the United States through the passage of “the Act of 1871” (


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