In behalf of the People of the Philippines, Federal Reserve System, U.S. Treasury, World Bank Group, and International Monetary Fund, et al., I aptly filed the CLASS SUIT OF THE CENTURY against Abnoy, Tetangco, de Lima, Roxas, Purisima, Drilon, Lorelei S. Fernandez, et al. in the Supreme Court of the Philippines ( Abnoy and his co-conspirators are liable for Anti-Trust Violations, Corruption, Fraud, and Economic Sabotage with reference to their illegal misusage of the 3,500 metric tons of Marcos’ Gold and others. THEY ARE ALSO LIABLE FOR COUNTERFEITING U.S. CURRENCY.

In behalf of the People of the Philippines, Federal Reserve System, U.S. Treasury, World Bank Group, and International Monetary Fund, et al., I aptly filed the CLASS SUIT OF THE CENTURY against Abnoy, Tetangco, de Lima, Roxas, Purisima, Drilon, Lorelei S. Fernandez, et al. in the Supreme Court of the Philippines (

Abnoy and his co-conspirators are liable for Anti-Trust Violations, Corruption, Fraud, and Economic Sabotage with reference to their illegal misusage of the 3,500 metric tons of Marcos’ Gold and others. 



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