POTUS, who is is the Chief Executive (President) of the United States Corporation, governs with his Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators). As “vassal king”, POTUS Trump is subservient to The City of London via the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), which was created in 1919 by the Illuminati that was founded by The Society of Jesus or Jesuits who are the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope (who is superior to the White Pope). The Jesuits control the Council on Foreign Relations. I myself was the Black Pope from the late 1970s to early 1980s!

POTUS, who is is the Chief Executive (President) of the United States Corporation, governs with his Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators). 

As “vassal king”, POTUS Trump is subservient to The City of London via the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), which was created in 1919 by the Illuminati that was founded by 

The Society of Jesus or Jesuits who are the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope (who is superior to the White Pope). 

The Jesuits control the Council on Foreign Relations. 

I myself was the Black Pope from the late 1970s to early 1980s! 



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