The Federal Reserve is the continuation of the “Exchequer” (a Royal or National Treasury) of its creator in 1913, the private Bank of England, where I have a Trust Account worth at least US $10 trillion since 1986. My father has Accounts including Gold Bullion in the Bank of England, which is located in The Crown in The City of London. You and all 100 Senators are the managers of the united states of America. The home of the United States Congress, which is the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government, is in Washington D.C., which is under The Crown in The City of London and the Black Pope.

The Federal Reserve is the continuation of the “Exchequer” (a Royal or National Treasury) of its creator in 1913, the private Bank of England, where I have a Trust Account worth at least US $10 trillion since 1986. My father has Accounts including Gold Bullion in the Bank of England, which is located in The Crown in The City of London.

You and all 100 Senators are the managers of the united states of America. The home of the United States Congress, which is the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government, is in Washington D.C., which is under The Crown in The City of London and the Black Pope.


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