Based on the United States Code, Title 28, in Section 3002 Definitions, it states this fact: (15) “United States” means – (A) a Federal corporation. Icke also exposes that the United States of America, which is not a country, is owned by the Virginia Company’s predecessors. For Icke, the Vatican is the owner of the assets apparently owned by the Company ( As the privately-owned Corporation, the United States is a holding company and the 50 states are its subsidiaries according to Icke ( You are the Vice President of the United States Corporation, which is owned by The Crown (and the Vatican), and Senators are the subsidiaries’ managers.

Based on the United States Code, Title 28, in Section 3002 Definitions, it states this fact: (15) “United States” means – (A) a Federal corporation.
Icke also exposes that the United States of America, which is not a country, is owned by the Virginia Company’s predecessors. For Icke, the Vatican is the owner of the assets apparently owned by the Company (

As the privately-owned Corporation, the United States is a holding company and the 50 states are its subsidiaries according to Icke ( You are the Vice President of the United States Corporation, which is owned by The Crown (and the Vatican), and Senators are the subsidiaries’ managers.


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