Please include all the Filipino People, who have valid Philippine passports, in your Visa Waiver Program because they deserve to be welcomed as your Special Guests. Many Filipinos sacrificed their lives in the Philippines during the Second World War because of the massive Japanese and Nazi Gold, which are now stored in all 13 treasury vaults in the Federal Reserve Banks. The Philippines is the richest country in the world according to Reagan. Refer to my Directive to the U.S. Congress and the European sovereign states about the said Visa Waiver Program via and

Please include all the Filipino People, who have valid Philippine passports, in your Visa Waiver Program because they deserve to be welcomed as your Special Guests. 

Many Filipinos sacrificed their lives in the Philippines during the Second World War because of the massive Japanese and Nazi Gold, which are now stored in all 13 treasury vaults in the Federal Reserve Banks. 

The Philippines is the richest country in the world according to Reagan.

Refer to my Directive to the U.S. Congress and the European sovereign states about the said Visa Waiver Program via and


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