THE SECRET OF LIGHT part: 12 - Instinct

12 - Instinct

Organic matter generates purely from the desire of mind to manifest idea in matter. That cosmic desire to create form produces the desired form. Desire is the motivating force of all Creation.
Man begins to express the idea of man as a single cell. The whole idea of man is in that single cell. It then unfolds in orderly time and space according to cosmic law. Likewise the whole idea of all Creation is in that single cell. All idea is omnipresent. There are no parts of the Whole.
Each step in the unfolding of the man-idea follows the continuing desire for unfolding. Cell memory of purpose is given to each cell as it unfolds. Pattern of idea follows in sequence as desire in God Mind and desire in the growing idea work together to express the idea in form.
Every action of unfolding man is a part of the unfolding of the man-idea as it exists as a whole in God's Mind. Any desire of man is, therefore, a two-way extension of the Light of that idea from God to man.
Whatever God desires to express in man He will express, for He is man's Creator.
Whatever man desires, the God in him will create. Man must, however, co-create with God according to God's universal law. If man breaks that law, the law will break him to an equal extent.

Life is a sequence of experiences

All of the expressions of desire in the unfolding of any idea are a part of the idea. They are experiences in decisions. All experiences are parts of the unfolding of any idea.
Whatever those decisions are, however, they are recorded upon the individual man as his own interpretation of the man-idea. Likewise they are recorded in the whole of the race of man as the sum total of all desire and experiences of the whole man-idea.
As the idea of anything is one, so also the parts of the idea are one.

Instinctive intercommunication

If it were not for instinct, animal life could not survive or develop.
Instinct causes mechanical actions to take place in all bodies to meet the necessities of existence.
Instinct protects animal life from enemies. It tells the proper food to eat, how to build nests, how to take care of its young, how to return home when taken great distances, as the carrier pigeon does, and countless other wonderful things that animals do.
A salmon, spawned in a certain river, instinctively leaves that river and makes its way to the sea until maturity. At the proper time for its mating and spawning, it then returns, over thousands of trackless miles, to the very river in which it was born.
It is instinct which tells birds to fly south before winter. Instinct tells them the direction of south.
Instinct tells them it is warmer in that direction. Instinct likewise governs the migration of seals, the building of the beaver's dam and the weaving of the spider's web.
Instinct might be defined as a cell-memory record of all actions of a body, and of all of the sensations caused by those actions.

The beginning of instinct

Without instinct in all animal and vegetable life, their evolution would not be possible. All creations of the Creator are the result of electric wave recordings of the Creator's thought. They are parts of the whole Idea taken apart and put together bit by bit. They are the result of Universal Law, of Cause and Effect.
None of the creations of the Creator have in them at their beginning the power to think. It takes millions of years for complex organisms to recognize the spirit within them sufficiently to think at all.
During these long ages, they are guided almost entirely by their instinctive reflexes. Man alone has begun to think, reason, imagine, create and invent, and then only during the last few thousand years.

Instinct is god control

Instinct is, therefore, God-control over the actions of His creations. The involuntary actions of the body, such as the heartbeat, or the action of white corpuscles, do not know their purpose in the healing process of the body, but God centers and controls every atom of His Creation and each must fulfill its purpose.

Instinct building by god and man

A good example of the manner in which god and man work together for creative expression is the familiar knitting woman. Knitting is part of the man-idea which requires a skill. The woman who desires to knit must desire to acquire that skill. Desire must precede all expression of that desire.
Slowly she takes one stitch at a time. All of her power of concentration is needed to take those first stitches. Each stitch taken, however, has within it the desire for taking the next stitch.
Very slowly she interlaces yarns into the pattern required. The cells of her fingers gradually acquire cell memories of their purpose. These cells coordinate with other cells of the body in the development of the whole skill.
Gradually she learns to knit instinctively. Her mind is freed from concentration and she may think of other things and converse freely. Her body cells alone will work from the memory of purpose given to them.
Instinctive skills are thus imparted to bodies of man by the co-creative efforts of God and man. The pianist teaches his fingers to work instinctively in order to free his mind to think music. God is working with him. Without this moment-to-moment cooperation with God, he could do nothing.
God, Creator of all things, knows all things and has all power.
Man and God are One. Man may know all things and have all power to the extent in which he desires to know all things and have all power. Awareness of the Light in man will give him all knowledge and power. Man may not be apart from God at any time. Nor can any part of Creation be apart from God at any time.
“All things come and go from My divided thinking.

“All things go from very heart of Me into My imaged universe; and when they disappear from there I also take them back to very heart of Me.

“Know thou that all creating things are resurrected things, again manifesting life of Me through My divided thinking.

“Man divides his thinking in manifesting Me.

“The body of man sleeps, that it may awaken in Me, to manifest Me.

“The body of man dies, that it may be resurrected in Me, to manifest Me.

“The body of man disappears, that it may reappear to manifest Me.

“Man who sleeps or dies or disappears is but man's image, for Self of man sleeps not, nor dies, nor disappears; for Self of man is Me.

“Again I say that I am One, and man is One in Me when he knows that I am he.”


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