THE SECRET OF LIGHT part II: 8 - Electricity Defined
8 - Electricity Defined
Electricity is the strain or tension set up by the two opposing desires of universal Mind thinking• the desire for balanced action and the desire for rest.
This electric universe is a complexity of strains caused by the interaction of these two opposing, interchanging electric desires.
All matter is electric. All matter is conditioned into greater or lesser strains according to the intensity of desire which is the cause of all electric strain to which it is subjected.
The farther removed from rest, the greater the strain or tension .that which we call high electric potential is merely great strain to maintain a condition which is far from the condition of rest.
The familiar return ball with which a child plays is a good example of electric strain. When the ball is thrown from the hand, the elastic gradually tightens to increase the tension of resistance to strain generated at the elastic. The strain continues to intensify until the ball comes to rest. When the ball returns, the strain gradually lessens until the ball again comes to rest in the child's hand. When that happens, the strain and tension have been voided. Tension has not BECOME rest; it has ceased to be.
This whole electric universe is a complex maze of similar tensions. Every particle of matter in the universe is separated from its condition of oneness, just as the return ball is separated from the hand, and each is connected with the other one by an electric thread of light which measures the tension of that separateness.
It is as though all of the universe of separated particles were playing return ball with each other. When a condition of oneness has been attained in matter, the electric tension ceases to be. Sodium choloride will illustrate this meaning. When sodium and chlorine desire separateness from their oneness off condition in sodium chloride, an electric strain is set up between that separated trinity. When the desire for separateness has gone out of sodium and chlorine, the electric tensions which bound them to the rest condition from which they sprang are voided. Likewise sodium and chlorine are utterly voided.
The reason for this is because all matter is a series of electric tensions. When the tensions cease, the conditions set up by them cease. It is as though two children on a seesaw withdrew into their fulcrum.
Sex tensions and strains intensify the farther they are removed from rest. When unbalanced sex tensions void their unbalance through interchange between the opposite electric desires which caused those tensions, electrical force ceases to be. Likewise sex desire ceases to be.
Electrical tensions exist only between unbalanced electrical matter in motion which is separated from other electrical matter in motion. Wherever there is a condition of rest, electricity ceases to be.
Electricity is, therefore, a dual force which seemingly unbalances a condition of rest by dividing it into two opposite conditions and sets them in seeming motion. Interchange between the two opposites of motion voids the unbalanced condition at the end of each cycle of electric expression.
As rest cannot be unbalanced save by illusion, electricity which causes that illusion has no existence.
“Behold in Me the One, inseparable.
“Two things there are not in My universe. There is but Me.
“Everything that is is of every other thing that is. Nothing is of itself alone. All things are indissolubly united.
“This is a universe of seeming; an imaged universe of thinking; an action universe of desiring. That which Mind desireth will appear in the image of that desire.
“Seek ye, therefore, what ye will in Me and ye shall find it. Desire what ye will and behold it standeth before Thee. Throu8ghout the aeons it hath been thine without hy knowing, e'en though thou hast but just asked for it.
“Sit ye not and ask, acting not, for thy desire will not come thy way to thee unaided by thy strong arms.
“Behold, I am within all things centering them; and I am without all things controlling them, but I am not those things which I center in them and control in space surrounding them.
“I am the center of My universe of Me. Everywhere I am is the center of all things, and I am everywhere.”
- from The Divine Iliad
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