THE SECRET OF LIGHT part II: 3 - The Law Of Balance

3 - The law of balance

The underlying law of Creation is RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE in all transactions in Nature. It is the one principle upon which the continuity of the universe depends. Likewise, it is the one principle upon which the continuity of man's transactions, his health and happiness depend. It is the manifestation of God's two opposing desires in all processes of creation.
BALANCE is the principle of unity, of oneness. in it is the stability which lies in cause. balance is the foundation of the universe.
BALANCED INTERCHANGE simulates oneness by interchange between pairs of opposites. it is the principle of equal giving between all moving pairs of unbalanced opposites which constitute this dual electric universe. In it is the instability of EFFECT. Instability is forever seeking to find stability. It can never find it, but it can simulate it by balancing its instability through equality of interchange.
RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE is the principle of continuity of effect balanced inter-change between opposites repeats simulation of stability, and rhythmic balanced interchange continues that repetition.

Obedience to the one law is absolute

Rhythmic balanced interchange is the inviolate law which must be obeyed. Nature persistently violates it and Nature instantly pays the price of its violations in its storms, tornadoes, crashing avalanche and tragedy of field, forest and jungle.
Man persistently violates it and instantly pays the price of his violation in his crashing business failures, enmities, unhappiness and illness.
All the storms of earth cannot affect the balance of the earth, for balance in the universe cannot be upset. The earth continues in its fixed, balanced orbit with so much precision that its position can be determined at any time to the split second.
If the earth disobeyed this law by the slightest variance, its oceans would sweep its continents clear of all living and growing things.

Man must pay for disobedience

Man's disobedience to the law cannot affect the balance of man in his whole journey, for every unbalanced action of his must eventually be balanced. Man is on his way to his cosmic goal of Oneness with his Creator and he can in no way deviate from that fixed orbit which will eventually take him to his destination of glory in the high heavens. By disobeying the law he is but hurting himself while on his journey, but he must make the journey and must balance every unbalanced action while on the way.
It is as though a man on a great ocean liner disobeyed the laws of the ship. In spite of his disobedience the ship is taking him to his destination and he must go with it. Likewise, he has hurt himself by lessening the happiness of his journey.
The whole principle of creation lies in equal giving. The Oneness of the Light is divided into an equal and opposite two, and all interchange between the two must be equal in their giving.
God's division of the Light into a seeming two is manifested in Nature by electric waves of two opposing lights springing from the still sea of God's magnetic Light, just as waves of water spring from the still ocean.
The outstanding characteristic of waves is that they forever interchange. Troughs become crests and crests become troughs. Gravity pressure above and below their axis is equal. So long as equality of interchange continues rhythmically, waves repeat their interchange. When the sloping sand at the beach prevents this equality of rhythmic balanced interchange, the waves accumulate unbalance until they crash on the shore.
Every transaction in human relations either continues or discontinues in accord with obedience or disobedience to this one law. A man who sells and gives less value for what is given to him lays the foundation for his own wreckage. He finds it even harder to sell and loses many purchasers by gaining their ill will. He who gives equally for what is given to him multiplies his purchasers and prospers by gaining their good will.
The pulse beat, the swinging pendulum, the inbreathing and outbreathing of living things all exemplify God's one law of rhythmic balanced interchange. Any deviation from that law in the heart-beat of a man would endanger his continuance, but when there is a rhythmic balanced interchange between the two compression and expansion opposites, man's life continues to function at maximum.
Man has free right to choose his own actions, but he must balance those actions with equal and opposite reactions until he learns that God's one law must be obeyed. This God holds inviolate.
The whole purpose of life is to learn how to manifest God in Truth and the Law. The lesson is a hard one but man, himself, makes it hard by his unknowing of the law. As man gradually knows his purpose and the law by knowing God in him, life becomes more and more beautiful, and man more powerful in his manifestation of power.
Man's power lies in giving. He must learn to give as Nature gives. Each half of a cycle eternally gives to the other half for re-giving. Nature forever unfolds into many for the purpose of refolding into one.
Each individual must manifest this universal law.
The desire of some so-called “apron string” parents to run their children's lives for them, often claiming that they have sacrificed their very own lives for them are taking from their children – not giving. They are taking awa the initiative children need to complete their own cycles: they must live their own lives for themselves.
Man must know the principle of Creation: giving between each interchanging opposite half of each cycle for the purpose of repeating its giving. This is universal law and each individual must manifest this law.
Man will forever war with man until he learns to give his all with the full expectation of equal receiving, and never taking that which is not given as an earned reward for his giving.
“All things are One, but made to appear as two extensions of the centered One.

“Know thou that the two extension of My recorded thinking are divided by the One which centers the two, the One balancing the two, the One controlling the two.

“I, the One, am not divided into two, as pairs of opposites of Me. I divide the two extension of My thinking but I am not My thinking, nor am I two.

“When man thinketh man alone, denying Me, then is man's image man's, not Mine and man's, for the pattern of My balanced, rhythmic images within man may not be seen in him; nor may the glory of My Light be seen in him or known by him.

“When man thinketh Me, through knowing Me, then is he patterned by My image and I am he.

“When man thinketh Me in him, then is man's balance absolute.

“When man so thinketh, then hath he all power that I, thy Father-Mother-Thinker of Creation hath.”


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