THE SECRET OF LIGHT part III: This Curved Electric Universe
This Curved Electric Universe
All suns are generated into incandescence by two black rivers of evacuated light which flow centripetally inward toward their still centers by the way of their poles.
Conversely, darkness of space is radiated from two incandescent rivers of white light which flow centrifugally from suns' equators. (Fig. 35)

Thus are the four arms of all spiral nebulae formed as two pairs of opposites interchanging with each other to become the other two; the two black arms belong to gravity and the two white ones to vacuity. (Figs. 36. 37, 38)

This electric universe is curved – motion is spiral. Where motion ceases. curvature ceases. Cleavages between wave field boundary planes of crystals separate them into their individual crystal forms. Motion cannot pass through those planes, for there is naught but stillness there. Motion is repeated in all wave fields by reflected extension from wave field boundary planes.
Curvature is imperative under such conditions for opposed pressures resist each other and each must bend to the other to find passage for its own expression of force. Motion and curvature simultaneously begin and end when opposition begins and ends. (Zero in Fig. 39)

Each wave field is like a separate projection machine in which its own curved motion picture universe is dually projected upon its self-measured zero screen of space. (A in Fig. 39). The incandescent sphere of light which centers it pictures the forms of desire in the measure of desire for manifestation. (See also Fig. 38)
This curved universe consists of lenses and mirrors of light which reflect, bend, curve, concentrate and decentrate light into its countless forms. Any action anywhere is repeated everywhere by and through countless mirror planes of wave fields and the lenses of space. (Figs. 40, 41)

Concentrated spheres, such as the earth and sun, are surrounded by layers of light of equal pressures. Clouds float around the earth in them. The reason they float in curves parallel to the earth is because of these spherical equipotential planes of pressures which curve as the earth curves.
Curved pressures of light act as lenses to multiply and divide light radially. Light rays which pass through curved planes concentrate toward a point when projected through light lenses of space in the convex direction and decentrate when they pass through in the concave direction. (Figs. 42, 43)

Gravity and radiativity are accounted for by this fact. Every object which falls toward the earth falls radially toward its center because of this fact. No two men who stand upright in balance with gravity stand parallel to each other. Lines drawn through the feet and head of any two men standing in either hemisphere would form a cone with its base in the heavens and its apex at earth's center. Rain falling vertically from a cloud falls conically. The area of the base of the cone in the cloud is greater than its conical measurement on the earth (Figs. 44, 45). The electric potential of rain increases as it falls because of the multiplication of pressures by the lenses of light which surround the earth. For the same reason a man weighs less as he ascends a mountain and regains it when descending. Light lenses subtract from his potential by multiplying its volume while he ascends and multiplies it while he descends by subtracting from its volume.

Curvature of light wave axes, by contraction or expansion between planes of zero curvature is the cause of all pressures; all pattern; all of the attributes of matter. such as density, tenuity, melting point, brittleness, conductivity and countless other effects which are voided when curvature ceases in planes of rest in wave field boundaries, or in points of rest around which motion rotates spirally.
[Two pages are missing, Fig. 46 – 49, not in scan.]
……….are born where centripetal and centrifugal spirals meet. Matter registers the potential of the position of its birth. For that reason it floats in equipotential orbits appropriate to its position in its wave field, together with all units of its system. In the electric current, electronic systems are born where the familiar loops of force occur around a charged wire (Fig. 50). Figs. 51, 52, and 53 diagram electric systems forming at AA.

The spiral is an incompleted sphere just as crystal forms are incompleted cubes.
Spirals and crystals have individuality which they lose by voidance in the oneness of spheres and cubes.
Individuality is given bodies for the purpose of manifesting separateness and multiplicity. Individuality, separateness and multiplicity are then voided in oneness.
Individuality in every creating thing is a moment to moment record of its unfoldment and refoldment. It is the fruit of cosmic desire for creative expression.
It begins when the cycle begins, ends with its ending, and repeats itself in each cycle until the entire cycle of any expressed idea is voided in its completion.
Two-way sex-conditioned spirals are the consummate individuals of all Creation. 'They condition all bodies with the condition of their bodies. They unfold all idea from stillness of Mind-knowing into moving form of Mind-imagining and refold it into the stillness of Mind-knowing. They are the electric workers which fulfill desire of Mind by interweaving threads of light into patterned forms and recording those patterned forms in the still Light which centers every spiral pair, as the axis of a cone centers the cone.
The one centering axis of both spirals is the shaft upon which the dynamic universe rotates. All motion rotates and revolves upon still centering shafts, and all shafts are two-way extensions of points which lead to and through centers of spheres.
The familiar wave line which records all effects of motion controls those effects.
One can record that wave line but is not aware of the fact that it is the power extended by the Creator in the measure of desire for power.
The wave line is a record of the amount of energy borrowed from its static equator to express any mechanical process, such as the vibration of a harp string, the pulsations of an engine, the cardiogram of one's heartbeat, or the pattern of an earthquake, as recorded by a seismograph. (Figs. 54, 55, 56, 57.58)

The shaft of a wave is a line drawn through every point upon the surface of a wave-disturbed ocean in a vertical section, where water and sky meet. Around the still shaft of the wave all motion of the wave spirals to interweave the patterns and forms of desire.
All spiral forms must have intense individuality in order to express such amazing varieties of form and pattern. (Fig. 59)

The inside-out outside-in turnings of all creating forms is due to the gradual unfolding-refolding principle of Nature. This process is controlled by spiral pairs which are motivated by still centering shafts of magnetic Light. Opposed pairs of spirals gradually expand centrifugally to planes meeting at static equators to complete the unfolding half of a cycle. They then contract as the opposite of what they were to complete the other half. During the entire journey they continue without reversal of direction.
A clockwise spiral is always a clockwise spiral during its entire centripetal journey to its apex and its centrifugal journey to its base.
The opposed pair which rotate upon the same shaft are anticlockwise, for both are projected through each other. (Fig. 60)

The characteristic unfolding-refolding, inside-out outside-in principle of Nature causes the integration of matter at poles and disintegration at equators. Matter integrates by the contraction of one pair of spirals around the shafts which wind it into spheres by the way of their poles, and disintegrates it by the expansion of the other pair which unwind it by way of equators.
The pair of spirals which wind light waves into spheres continue that winding until holes are bored through spheres and rings are formed, aided by the centrifugal force exerted by the expansion of the opposing spirals.
Rings are the “death” half of the cycles of spheres. Rings recondense around points in space and rewind as spheres.

The majestic ring nebula in Lyra (Fig. 61) is an outstanding example of the disintegration process of Nature. The ring exemplifies the “death” half of the cycle and the newly formed sun at its center the “life” half. A new body has been born out of the old one as it expanded into the heavens.
The heavens abound with new bodies appearing from old ones which have disappeared into another form. The Owl Nebula demonstrates this principle by two rings and two stars reborn from them. (Fig. 62)

The rings of Saturn will become moons, just as its other rings have become its several other moons.
Our own moon was born from a ring from earth as it expands its hulk by absorbing its oceans, and accelerates its rotation as all of the outer planets have done. (Fig. 63)

Jupiter is even now developing belts which will be thrown off as rings, to become moons. These moons will become comets and eventually plunge into the sun as all things in this solar system likewise do.

Fig. 64 illustrates the unwinding process by means of which moons free themselves from the bindings of their mother shaft to again seek revolution around the shaft of their beginning in the sun.
Disintegration of suns and planets by radiation is accompanied by flattening at their poles. Spheres come into being by prolating and go out by oblating.
Ever increasing speed of rotation around shafts is the cause of this phenomenon. Inner planets rotate very slowly upon their own shafts because they are so close to their mother shaft in the sun, but they revolve very swiftly in their orbits around the sun. (Fig. 65)

Mercury, our own moon, and Phobos, the inner moon of Mars, are so close to their mother shaft that they are obliged to revolve swiftly, with the same face always toward their primary. The outer planets have so far broken away from the influence of their mother shaft in the sun that their years have materially lengthened, their days conspicuously shortened, and their faces are constantly changing in relation to the sun.
Cyclones, waterspouts and tornadoes develop on our earth when spirals tighten around their shafts, for the more they thus contract, the greater their speed. When spirals are so wide at their bases that their angles to the earth's surface are negligible, there is calmness and peace; but when they contract to thin pencils which furiously speed around centering shafts of magnetic stillness at ninety degrees to the earth's surface, they then do inestimable damage. (Fig. 66)
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