THE SECRET OF LIGHT part II: 11 - The Illusion Of Attraction And Repulsion Of Matter
11 - The Illusion Of Attraction And Repulsion Of Matter
One of the great illusions of the senses is that matter attracts and repels matter. It is also believed that oppositely charged electrical particles attract each other and like charges repel.
There is much evidence of the senses to justify such a conclusion, but it is of the same illusive nature as the evidence which deceives the senses that railroad tracks seem to meet upon the horizon.
We see the tides rise toward the moon on one side of the earth and away from it on the other. We conclude that the moon attracts the earth and thus pulls the ocean toward it, but that does not account for the fact that the tides also rise on the opposite side of the earth away from the moon. What is actually happening is that all conditioned matter is constantly seeking to balance its condition with all other matter.
The moon and the earth center their own respective wave fields surrounded by space. All wave fields are bound by planes of zero curvature, and a zero pressure condition, which insulate each field in the universe from every other field. The very shapes of wave fields of earth and moon are forever changing to adjust their balance as the moon revolves around the earth. As a result, the mutual equators of both fields must lengthen, disc-like, on a plane which intersects the center of gravity of each body. Naturally the tides rise toward, and away, from the moon. If the earth were all liquid instead of solid, it, likewise, would lengthen appreciably at its equators, disc-like, and flatten at its poles to meet the interchange of balance between the fields of the moon and sun, as Jupiter and the outer planets are so noticeably doing. It would also throw off rings as Saturn and all the stars of heaven are doing, and for the same reason.
We see the positive pole of a compass needle pointing toward the negative pole of a magnet and the negative pole of the magnet pointing toward the positive pole. This evidence is one of the bases of our conclusion. That is what our eyes see. What actually is happening is that they are voiding each other's unbalanced condition to seek balance through each other.
Opposite poles get as far away from each other as they can, until their opposition is voided by balance in their fulcrum and they cease to be.
When the positive pole of a magnet is brought into contact with the negative pole of another magnet, that effect which we think of as attraction is one of voidance. It is a cessation of opposition or power to manifest anything. Polarity utterly ceases at that point and each opposite extends to each opposite end, each getting away from the other and through the other, spirally, as far as it can.
If opposite poles attracted each other, they would be together in the middle of a magnet instead of at its ends.
Matter is powerless to attract
Matter neither attracts nor repels other matter. Unbalanced conditions in matter seek balanced ones. All matter is motion constantly seeking rest.
This it can find only by balancing its condition with matter similarly conditioned by voiding the tensions of its sexed condition. That alone is the cause of motion and the reason for its continuance or discontinuance.
All matter in motion seeks rest
This is a universe of ONE THING. All matter which is electrically separated from that oneness seeks it.
This is a fundamental principle and underlying desire of all Creation. It is as true of humans and their emotions as it is of matter.
We again repeat that electricity is a division of the One Light into two extensions of that Light projected through each other, each becoming the other alternately. The One Light is a pressureless and sexless condition. The two lights which are extended from the one are opposed pressures and opposed sexed conditions.
Thus there are but two conditions of matter – either expanding from stillness or contracting toward stillness. Each condition arises from the other. The instant it becomes its own opposite it gets as far away from that opposite as is necessary to find balance in a like condition. It seeks its like condition to find rest in a balanced condition and not because the matter of it is attracted by the matter it seeks. A log floating down stream is seeking a balanced condition and is not being attracted by the dam or by other logs.
These opposites represent the compression-extension father-mother principle which integrates light into solids and disintegrates it into vapors and gases.
All moving masses are unbalanced
To say that these opposites attract each other is equivalent to saying that north attracts south, that inward attracts outward, that wetness attracts dryness, or that darkness attracts incandescence.
Water, for example, is a compressed condition. When water vaporizes it expands into its own opposite condition It then seeks rest in clouds of like condition. When it thus finds rest in a balanced condition, its motion ceases and its opposition also ceases.
Illusive evidence
Another effect of motion which has misled the senses into believing that opposites attract is that hot air is said to rise toward cold and cold air to descend toward heat. That is not what is happening, for like seeks like. Cooling air is expanding and rising toward cold, and heating air is contracting and falling toward heat.
Negative oxygen bubbles gather at the positive pole of a charging electric battery and positive hydrogen bubbles gather at the negative pole. What is actually happening is that the positive pole is taking the positive condition out of the water, leaving the negative oxygen as residue. The negative pole is, likewise, taking the negative condition out of the water, leaving the positive hydrogen as residue. Again like seeks like.
The outstanding demonstration of the principle of like conditions seeking like is in the elements of matter. If opposites attracted opposites according to present concepts, it would be impossible to gather together one ounce of the same elements. All elements seek their kind. In any chemical decomposition of compounded mixtures, each element seeks and finds similarly conditioned elements.
Nature's gyroscopic principle does this automatically. Every element has its own gyroscopic relation to the axis and amplitude of its wave. Each seeks that relation of pressure and moved until it finds itself in the orbit of its own gyroscopic plane of pressure.
“Behold in Me the Light of all knowing. In Light is all Idea of knowing.
“In divided Light of Me the thinking of My knowing is recorded in moving imaged forms of My imagining which reflect each divided one into its opposed one to manifest My knowing. Each mirrors light of each to the other one to manifest My knowing through their mirrorings.
“Know thou that moving things move not. Their moving is but seeming
“Know thou also that moving things alone sense moving things and know them not, for moving things have naught in them but their seeming moving.
“Moving light of My thinking's mirrorings is My universe of image building in lights of My imaginings
These have no Being, for they are not Me. I alone have Being.”
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