THE SECRET OF LIGHT part: 15 - The Illusion Of Change

15 - The Illusion Of Change

Change is an illusion of the senses due to motion.
There is no change whatsoever in the conscious universe of knowing. There is only an illusion of change set up by the two interchanging lights of thinking to divide the One Whole Idea into many separate ideas and record them in moving matter.
The senses are the audience for these thought pulsations. The senses are a part of this illusion. Senses are electric. They belong to the thought universe of motion and do not respond to stillness. As motion itself is non-existent
The senses are but the imagined records of imagined motion, matter and change. As such they are limited to pin-hole peeks into the vastness which extends beyond their sensing. The senses have no knowledge of what they sense. They merely record motion.
The senses respond to motion in only one direction. They sense the forward flow of time but not its backward flow. If they could register both directions, they would become aware of the stillness of this zero universe of seeming motion.
The Universal One planned it this way, otherwise there could be no sequential manifestation of thought which constitutes the creating universe.
When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.
A man seeing a Technicolor motion picture for the first time and without knowledge of such electric effects would think he were looking through a window at real happenings, unaware that it was but an illusion “created” by projecting positive light through patterened negatives. That is all that creation is: two lights projected through each other to simulate motion, form and change.
Our senses are like passengers on a fast-moving train. They sense parts of the landscape as they rush forward, while, to their senses, the landscape rushes backwards. The senses interpret these effects as matter in fast motion which is forever fast changing. A man, seeing the same train from a mountain, would sense that same fast motion and fast change as changeless and still.
As man unfolds from sensed man to spiritual man he gradually becomes aware of the two-way motion of all effect; that two ways being the visible effect which responds to his senses and the invisible effect which he knows but does not sense.
Gradually the time arrives in his unfolding when his full awareness of Cause voids all reliance upon sensation. He then rises above his sensing. He then knows the universe of motion for what it is instead of for what it seems to be.
“See thou no more with outer eyes alone for thou hast knowing eyes to void the illusions of thy sensing.

“Throughout long aeons man hath walked his earth with eyes of outer seeing, giving belief to that earth of his body's sensing. Throughout his new aeons he must walk the earth of inner seeing and know Men it as but visioning it in Light of Me and Light of him.

“For I think earth, and earth appeareth, disappeareth and reappeareth in balanced rhythms of My thinking. Wherefore, I say, man's earth and man are but My imagining. It is not Me, nor is it him; nor is it e'en what it seems to be to him.

“Nor shall man longer place earth before Me, gaining aught of earth and naught of Me.
“for I am a patient God. I patiently await awakening man.

“Awakening man is he who knoweth the Light of Me in him. Man may choose his own aeons for his awakening, but know Me he must. Until that day man's agony of unknowing shall be man's alone. His knowing must be his own desiring.

“Knowing man is ecstatic cosmic man. He who beginneth to know Me in him-yea, e'en him who suspecteth Me in him hasteneth his unfolding to cosmic man of all-knowing.”


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